I don’t like just adding more HP to them for difficulty but with the powers we get we become pretty OP, I can push 20k+ dps burst at the end of a run if I get decent powers.
As is, lvl 6 was pretty easy for my character and my item level is not even 190 yet, once we have more gear it will become a joke. Few people even have a decent item level at this point in the game.
I have been told the twisting corridors is going to be a challenge so I’m just going to place my hopes there.
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Thank you so much! I was getting kind of frustrated with this Torghast system because it “felt” like it was taking FOREVER. As someone that really enjoyed the BFA Visions, I like the challenge but it felt way more fast-paced. And the more you did it the easier it would get, it didn’t feel like a grueling grind. I think if there was some kind of urgency to go faster, without a hard timer on your screen, and if everything is getting easier now this would be perfect. Thanks for tuning it down Blizz <3
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if you want a challenge just pull more and see how fast you can do a layer.
see how many things you can skip
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Ah well, I guess I’m wrong then. Carry on.
Many classes/specs can’t do that much DPS even with perfect anima power rolls. For example BM hunter anima powers are complete trash and undertuned. And bosses still kill my pet just as fast as they did before nerfs. Pet is too squishy.
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Yeah, that’s just during the short burst window, it really falls off and plenty of classes can do that.
I do great there on my MM hunter when he was at 150 item level. We can make misdirect into a 90% damage reduction cooldown for our pets or other players. Ability for traps to reduce damage, on top of choices that increase hp and stats that help overall.
Progress your character more if you have issues. The upgrades you can buy in the maw for Torghast are really powerful and greatly increase the quality of anima powers on top of some perks, like buying an anima power for 5 currency at every trader.
I’d counter that the hardest possible version shouldn’t be available right now. Everything that is available right now should be possible.
This doesn’t address the fundamental flaw with Torghast, where we should have an option to continue climbing past Floor 6 (Or Floor 18 on Twisting Corridors) but currently don’t… if all the floors are procedurally generated anyway, why can’t the same code just generate new floors, assuming this is not a technical limitation? The current iteration of Torghast feels too short when I have nothing else to do in-game, and literally feels like a demo-mode… you have no idea how infuriating it is when I see that “Finish your run and exit Torghast?” screen… the first time I saw that, if there had been a third button on that popup to unsub / uninstall, I might have knee-jerk clicked on it right then and there…
Or maybe fix the broken classes???
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That’s literally one of the four major things Ion outlined in the polygon interview. Do some research before you mald.
Oh did they fix them already? If so then will they revert this change?
No it will likely take some time to redesign anima powers. I have no idea if they will revert some of the nerfs.
I’d rather have them add mechanical difficulty rather than just increase enemy HP/Damage.
There are toys/pets/titles/1 mount that can be used in the maw and they all come from twisting corridors which has 188 floors that are hard.
It was a night and day difference between my shaman and my priest in Torghast… my shaman was able to accrue enough powers to drop her interrupt to a 3 second CD (not to mention other really useful powers) whereas I’ve yet to encounter any such power to reduce my priest’s interrupt CD. My shaman is roughly 20ilvl lower than my priest, but was able to breeze through the tower by comparison. Took my priest back through yesterday after the changes, and my gods does it feel… what’s the word I’m looking for… oh! It actually felt fun for a change!
Don’t worry, you are with the 99% of players including myself who initially thought it simply negated them.
But yeah, it’s just the debuff that causes you to take damage and increase threat with the jailer.
Still really good items though.
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8 layers * 18 floors = 144…
Sorry, your math is wrong…
And we should have the option to climb up to Floor 3000 if we want to…
Objectively untrue, the current state of Torghast: your difficulty is capped at Layer 8, you are forced to leave at Floor 18 in Twisting Corridors and Floor 6 of other wings…
Why does Torghast floor 8 exist at this point?
Why don’t you just give soul ash as part of the weekly maw quests instead?
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This is exactly what it will become. The qq was to democratize Thorgast, let everyone the opportunity to win. You can’t do this without making it a happy afk carroussel where they just throw loot at you.
That would be far better… forcing Torghast to be done to get Soul Ash was just an awful decision, some people like it… let them do it.