Updating Torghast this Week

Im truly saddened to see this. When I’d run a layer 8 with my buddy we would get legitimately excited over certain anima powers dropping because we knew we needed them to complete the layer together. The feeling of failing/exiting upwards of 8 times till the stars aligned for us and we got the perfect anima powers to be able to crush the layer 8 FELT SO GOOD.

Blizz has a long history of making difficult content trivial for the players that dont invest the time into the game. Nearly every time they have done this, it has effected the game in an overall negative way.

80 Soul ashe at the end of the run isnt the end of the world to players who aren’t even good enough to clear the layer 8. They aren’t trying to hyper optimize every little detail because that takes time investment that they simply arent willing to put in.

Everywhere on this forum, all I see is “The game shouldn’t feel like a job”. If at any point this game feels like a job to you then I dont think this game is meant for you. If you’re not willing to put in the time and effort, then you shouldnt be succeeding in the same level as the players that do.

I’m truly sad to see Blizz cave so early to players that are sitting in ilvl 170-190 gear complaining that they cant get their last 80 soul ashe for the week. But I guess the community really does want another Islands like experience for some reason.

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So is this fix allready applied or do we have to wait till Tuesday?

If Layer 8 is supposed to be the equivalent of a Mythic +13, then what difficulty is Layer 16 supposed to be equal to? Mythic +86?

Seems to be live going off a few posts in here.

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The destruction of Torghast is already live.

I dunno, I’m just quoting Ion. I have no idea how difficult Twisting Corridors will be. You gotta realise something though, twisting corridors is 16 floors of anima powers.

Keyword: you and your buddy

Not everyone wants to run it with a buddy. It was advertised as solo at your own pace. Not dark souls hard mode NG+10.

also in the Soulsborn games, you can always beat something by just being good enough - armor only serves to make things easier, but is never required

conversely, in WoW, there are times where you just literally cannot win because of math. it’s just a fact.

this falls squarely on the devs for allowing players access to things that they mathematically cannot succeed at without so much as a warning, and not learning that until they’ve wasted half an hour+

whether ilvl gating or just a simple “recommended ilvl” note for each layer, if they want difficult content then they are the ones responsible for making some kind of measuring stick that players can look at and say “no I’m not ready yet” and if they choose to ignore that, at that point it’s on them


There isn’t a layer 16. This is it for now. Presumably if there are further layers later on, that’ll be tuned for a difficulty commensurate with the gear and difficulty of M+13 for that patch.

Exactly. If I want my dark souls challenge fix than I’ll play dark souls. I don’t need it in wow where the developers have no clue how to make a dark souls experience like From Software does.

torghast is trash and i hope they bring some more nerfs.

I can solo it as well mate, just need to follow the same process of getting lucky with anima powers and investing time into it.

Also, games should always incentivize playing together with friends. As this game has become more “solo friendly” you are missing that key part of what it means to be playing in an MMO.

Hefty nerfs. 50% health and damage is a really big nerf, those guys were pretty ruthless compared to everything else, although I kind of felt that was the point?

I fear now they will be too soft. Previously these assassins felt like threat and needed to be treated with caution, now I feel they will just feel like a standard mob.

My question is does unnatural power still provide CC immunity at any stage? The post states no longer at 10 stacks, but does that mean it happens at 15? 20? Etc
The ramp up was an interesting soft enrage mechanic that affected how you would pull and your priority on kills. It seems a shame to remove that timer.

I mean for me I’m happy with the torghast nerfs. The way I see it if I need my challenge fix I’ll just play dark souls or bloodborne. I play wow for relaxation.

Why do you assume you’re supposed to be able to do everything. There are 8 layers for a reason. Take the ones you’re comfortable with.

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But then what one earth was the point of Tuesday’s hotfixes if they were just going to do another pass today? To give us a miserable several days to make these changes feel all the sweeter? Granted, I’m glad Blizzard is actually fixing their horrid balance now instead of doubling down for weeks, but I’m also not about to pat them on the back for fixing something they arbitrarily broke in the first place.

I would have been fine if they just put things back to the way they were on Monday (while still helping out struggling classes and specs), but this is fine too I guess. I want Torghast to be fun. I don’t want it to be simply ‘okay’ the way it was on Monday or a plain ol’ horrible experience the way it was Tuesday. These changes and the supposed upcoming philosophy sounds like we’re going back in the direction that Torghast was in on Beta in the first place.

Protip: Maybe next time playtest your own content and hotfixes before releasing them, eh?

Never said I was? Think you might have responded to the wrong person.

The soulstalkers absolutely were too hard before, but now they’re a complete joke. They’re easier than most of the regular mobs and they don’t spawn hardly at all either. I think my friend and I got two total in the layer 8 run we did earlier this afternoon, and we spent quite a bit of time on one floor running around to find a key and then go back to open the chest and then get back to the portal to the next floor.

Thank you Blizzard for listening for once.

While yes, I’ll agree that Drk souls is a much more skill based game, the principle of the matter still remains the same. Content is difficult and requires a time investment to complete… The game shouldn’t undermine those that invest more time into the game by giving those that dont the same rewards for it. It makes the game more trivial and an overall more s****y experience for everyone.

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