[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

I voted for the caterpillar.

It’s the only mount type that we do not have.

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I have a wikiup, thank you very much.

We don’t have a tree. We don’t have a book. Caterpillar is similar to a worm, wyrm and cloud serpent. We have those.

Only 100K votes…

I think that the jello cat could be cool but only if it has a unique model - as we already have plenty of cat mounts in the game already.

I voted for the caterpillar because i felt it had the highest potential of having the most unique model and look out of all the mounts in the poll. but i think it would have been better if it had been maybe a snail or snake or something else instead, since we seem to be getting other caterpillar mounts in the new expansion anyway.

I think that the nerubian swarmer and wandering ancient would be too bulky for people to comfortable use and would be the most likely to reuse models already in the game. I also think they’d be the hardest to make into mounts usable by everyone rather than them being geared towards certain races or classes.

My concern with the tome is generally the same as the ancient and nerubian mounts, but it wouldn’t have to worry about being too bulky. If the mount was more something like one tome for each foot i think it might get more votes or be usable by more classes without clashing. I also just think it’d be funny to see people flying around with a book on each foot.

Well, hopefully by the end of the week at the least. Since it closes next week. We might get some drawings… I mean fans make the sketches in the same day. Here is hoping. Really wanting to see these mounts. Maybe potentially I could finally vote


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yea its really hard to know what mount would be good without an idea of what any of them look like


I’d go with the Ancient for me. I can picture it as a LoTR big Treeant.

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yea wth, all this time you you guys dont understand your customers… we like things that look cool… so you you going to ask use choose something based on conceptuality that may or maynot be what we think how it looks ? :roll_eyes:

I’m definitely looking forward to a Nerubian mount! Hopefully one of those giant, fearsomely awesome Nerubian Crypt Lords like Anub’ Arak.
We have heaps of feline, canine, vulpine and dragon type mounts, but I’ve always loved the heck out of the Crypt Lords. :smiley:
Thanks, heaps!
ps: The Leafy Ancient would also be really cool.
Good luck and great loot, everyone!


leafy ancient.


How about you give us all of them by way of apology for BfA.

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Personally, I always liked the Klaxxi and the Nerubians. One of my favorite mounts is the Grinning Reaver, so having the swarmed would be really awesome. Just learned there’s leather armor with wings like the Klaxxi, but I don’t play leather characters, and would prefer similar armor for plate. I want to vote for the swarmer so bad, but I kinda like the tree idea too, although that feels more of an alliance mount/Druid. I hope that all of these mounts will be put into the game. All they said is the one with the highest votes will be free for our region. This gives me hope.

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The walking ancient is the one I think I like the best. I keep seeing the hobbits ride the ent. I loved that particular scene from LotR. The book is interesting, but I think of doing the splits and groaning. The slime saber is just too disgusting for me and there are already too many saber type mounts in the game. The Nerubian is an interesting idea, but I just don’t care for spiders myself. Bring on the last march of the ents!


I would greatly appreciate it if you did all the mounts with due time.
Y’know sorta like fortnite? :wink:

Sadly it’s probably gonna look like the pet. https://www.wowhead.com/npc=115137/nerubian-swarmer

There not trees. They are ENTS!

Tbh I just want a pair of wings that can attach to your back. Like imagine what it would be like if a priest had a pair of seraphim wings as they traveled.




Book mount? More like I can’t read mount

this was made by illiterate gang

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