[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

I can picture awesome versions of all, and terrible versions of all.

Would really like to have concept sketches for each, to see which direction each one would be going in for me.

Whatever wins, I would appreciate it having thematically suitable details like pendants and other doodads, color transparencies, particle FX, and ombre coloring.

I’m voting the one that seems most likely to have those details.

Yeah, and that one is kind of pretty as far as trees go. I’m just not a fan of large, bulky mounts. And even a “pretty” tree (colorful, I mean) is still ugly to me. :woman_shrugging: Just my opinion, though. :slight_smile:

I’d rather see the “saddle” be just sitting in it’s hands, though. Maybe just a single passenger in the other hand (although you’re right, they probably won’t make it a 2 person mount). Adding a saddle, and pauldrons for a 2nd or 3rd person, would just make an already bulky mount just more awkward.

Here’s the link to the poll. Just click the mark for the one you want then click show results.

As for current standings of this post.
Ancient holding a strong lead at 33%
Saber barely holding 2nd place at 20%
Caterpillar on edge of overtaking saber, at 20%
Tome at 17%
And Nerubian is left in the dust with 10%

We already have a spider that costs alot to buy in game. However, this cute little dance is making me reconsider. I mean…look at that cute little butt wiggle!

I really want the spelltome to win as well, i was thinking tho how would your character ride a flapping book without looking goofy

Vote for the tree. Anything else is ridiculous.


The cats are tied! :scream:

Voted for the Slime Cat. Anything else is ridiculous… or I suppose it would be far more reasonable to say that “anything else is just as subjective to personal taste as me choosing the Slime Cat” :stuck_out_tongue:

:peace_symbol: :hearts: & :smiley:

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Yes! I agree, being an Arcane Mage, there was little doubt that I would disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

We are voting for caterpillar since the tree mount is too big and no one will use it for a long time

whats done is done

Oh man now I want a caterpillar more then ever! He should say, "Trapped, Mister. See this eye? I’m no pillar, I’m a cat. Post man chiller is where I’m at. "

I would like to see an idea of the tree mount. There is one in the game Wizard 101 that allows 2 people to ride high up in it just like lord of the rings. It looks very much like something for children. The Gooey cat is really cool I like the look of it a lot… and the tome (book).

Curious caterpillar please! The name itself is good enough, but to be able to ride a pre-butterfly? Sign me the bug up!

Treebeard 2020


Although i love cats and i have nearly every cat i can have in the game, i dont think another one would be a good idea… i love the tree but it sounds like itd be hard to implement it when its proportions would be wonky im sure…now lets say they made a caterpillar mount…that transformed to be a butterfly… a ground mount when its necessary but a flying mount when flying is accessible. they could have it be the ground caterpiller for the first parts of shadowlands and then transform once you unlock flying for the expansion! unless this is going to be another completely no-fly expansion…of which case i dont care what the mount is then…


I am very disappointed in this community for not recognizing the clear superiority of the flappy book! shame, shame on all of you, and shame on your houses!


Oh yeah the tigers from mop? I forgot about those tbh. I just like cats a lot so I must be biased lol

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IDK why anyone would vote for the cat or the nerubian, they both sound boring af. Book sounds the most unique/ridable because giant tree won’t fit through doorways.