this will happen eventually. i dont know when but its something that blizz will throw down along with jetpack that will look like a back piece. dont worry about it
Lol not sorry, I’d have to choose, without a doubt, the Catapillar!
My vote is for Treebeard! Wondering Ancient.
#teamwigglyboi freaking awesome turns into flying mount
this is all I want to see. I have always wanted to ride on a giant worm as a kid.
Soaring Spelltome and Wandering Ancient sound the best options to me. Both are way more epic.
I think this is a great idea, but I feel like the options are kinda meh. Since we are going to shadowlands soon, I would love to see something like a ghostly horse drawn coach mount where you hold the reins on top and your friends or guildies can ride in the creepy coach.
Some kind of drawing or SOMETHING to give us an idea of what the mount might look like though… I guarantee would make a huge difference in what almost all would vote for. For example, if one or more of these end up just being a simple reskin of an existing mount, that is lame.
I love ALL these ideas! But I want the sentient Wandering Ancient!!!
Funny, my favorite expansion is Wrath and that is exactly the mount I voted for. But mainly because I hope it flies.
Klaatu Barada Nikto!!! Gimme the book baby!!
Asmongold wants the caterpillar to win but the Ancient is taking the cake, it seems. Which is a shame, it won’t even fit through doors and won’t fly, so likely very few will actually use it.
I love this so much! Yessssss Wigglyboi!
can we get concept art?
How about some type of spectral Angel/Dragon wings instead of an actual mount? Kinda goes along with the theme don’t you think?
Curious Caterpillar For the win!
I have seen Asmongold mentioned several times and people talking about what mount they want, I have two question about it, Who are they and why should their opinion matter to other people when it comes to which one to choose?
If anyone regrets their choice you can change it at ant time by clicking the show vote button.
Blizzard, just do all of them. We have had very lack luster content in BFA particularly in the armor set department. You have the cash after firing all those employees, giving you record profits
how do these people play wow if they don’t even know how to click?
I’m sure that can be arranged at Goldshire.