[UPDATED SEPT. 18] Choose the Next Shadowlands Mount

I guess I just have as much right to my opinion as everyone else. That’s all. Those of you who want the tree, Most of you will just go afk on it over a flight NPC or quest NPC just to annoy people. Not saying you will do that but I guarantee you someone will just like they do with the giant auction house Dino mount. Tell me I’m wrong. lol

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Yeah, I was fixing the link for the person who posted it. I have a feeling it will look more akin to this than a treant. Elathir would be a great starting point for a wandering ancient mount, and the leaves could change color depending on the season to match the pet.

A saddle could attach to the top branches just above his head, and if they made it multi-person, which I doubt, they could have pauldrons with saddles on each side.


I rarely use flightpaths as I can fly on every toon high enough to do so. But there’s a simple way for Blizz to end that. Auto dismount or phase near questgivers. It’s already in game. But yes, you are correct that some people aren’t happy unless they’re inconveniencing others. But take joy in knowing that they are so miserable in their lives, that trying to be a douchenozzle in a game to other people is the only satisfaction they’ll get, and even then /tar [NPC Name] will ruin their “fun.”


Nothing yet? I thought the poll closes next week. :frowning:

Best idea is unquestionably the tome. The Ancient feels like a reskin of the Coalfist Gronnling, but I hope to be wrong about that. The caterpillar feels like a reskin of the Worms we have thus far (Riddler’s Mindworm, etc.), and the plague kitty seems a similar story. The Spider also seems likely to be a reskin. We do not have a book mount in the game thus far, so it seems the most unique idea. One might think it would be a carpet/disk reskin, but it is shaped differently from the disk and the carpet motions in flight would not make sense for a book. So I suspect that it would be a unique mount.

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Because this isnt LOTR its WoW…

never have i been as disappointed by the wow community as i was just now seeing the results so far of the poll

Trying to get the sales for SL up i see.

Well it would be nice to have a visual at the least. People keep stating they did something like this before. Kinda, but not entirely the same I feel. It was more of the Horde vs Alliance and it was motorcycles. I am actually more interested in the mount this time around.

Anyways they even went as far as a mini-series. I recall this all.

With these five options of mounts I can’t even get a SKETCH yet…and the poll is closing next week. Would really appreciate to know what we are voting for…

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The Wandering Ancient would be cool but not used much due to its size.
The Spelltone would be used the most by me, since I am a fan of smaller mounts.

Currently, I use my Disc of the Red Flying Cloud mostly.

The gooey slimesaber!!! YAY!!!

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LOL the largest mount is in the lead? Such disappointment, waste of a vote.


Not y’all being mad because ANOTHER cat mount isnt coming to the game

The Horde version should be on fire.


You must be new here.

C.O.V.I.D. 19
And you’re complaining about not having visuals?

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If we just comment to vote then i say Wandering Ancient if it can fly if it cant then the Soaring Spelltome. and if this isnt how you vote. can someone tell me how to vote

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i feel you man, i too want the nerubian to win

This is great :slight_smile: ty

An Elf should know better