[UPDATED NOV 28] Support a Streamer on Twitch and Earn the Ichabod Pet

Making us pay 2 subs just to get this pet? No thanks.

Isn’t that less than a store pet would normally cost? I don’t understand the problem.

  1. They’re running a charity humble bundle right now.

  2. the sub donation thing is a requirement more or less to my knowledge with running drops on Twitch, and providing a spotlight for smaller streamers is a good thing.

  3. when they run charity deals/sales people attack them for it anyway so shrugs

uhh double check they are Towelliee is a big named streamer he makes a lot of money and is part of it so is asmongold. so not sure why you assume the top wow streamers are not part of it.

Because neither of them are a part of the pet promotion. They are for the drake.

They weren’t initially. The list was updated today to include a number of the larger streamers. Which really sucks for the smaller ones now.


Oh did they? Nevermind then.

I’m giving my donation to asmongold because I like when he calls out Blizzard.

I only just caught it as I was scrolling through the list to find someone to donate to.

That’s really too bad. I hadn’t noticed it was updated since I picked my person the day they initially released the list.

Your pretty ignorant aren’t you!!! You yourself are assuming that all these streamers (small streamers) do not also have medical issues, me being one of those non human streamers you have just generalized, also have a life threatening illness but hey you keep on making it out to be all about you and how your the only one that has problems in life that is in need…

You also are pretty silly if you think we just buy a new “keyboard” with the money i be lucky to make 50 dollars a month so yeah the little bit that i do get goes on medical things i require since i am medically unable to work so i stream simply to meet new people and relieve the boredom not to make money.

I be quite happy if twitch put this money towards a charitable organization than me to be honest as i am not in it for the money so stop your assuming yourself that we are all just in it for the financial gain and if you were an actual streamer you would realize it certainly not a get rich quick scheme and if you think i am going to retire on the 8 dollars i get from your two gifted subs yeah good luck sunshine

Honestly, i wish it was straight donations. Wouldn’t want half to go to another company.


I’m not donating money to people playing a video game lmao what even is this? Just sell a charitable pet or mount and be done with it.

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then don’t nobody is forcing you to …We understand that your cheap and ignorant but i do have to agree with one thing you said they should just make it a charitable pet or mount that the proceeds go to charity…

Then don’t. Charity pets get just as much pushback as this though.

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I feel so forced to buy two subs on twitch for someone for this pet. This is an atrocity!

You are literally paying for Blizzard to advertise their new game. :roll_eyes:

Unfortunate that its only a select group versus anyone with drops enabled/partnered. Small streamers are already DOA on Twitch, and allowing anyone to benefit from this promotion would have been a great step towards actually developing “tHe CoMmUnItY” everyone pretends to care about so much.

Hi, I’m Meistar_, I’ve been a streamer for about 4 years and a Wow player since Classic, I’ve always been a Wow Fan girl.

I saw the Support a Streamer Campaign and was curious on how streamers were picked? I’d love to be a part of that list. I average 15-30 viewers a stream and stream M/W/F weekly for 3-4 hours and I’ll be streaming Dragonflight release. I have an amazing community of wow players who wanted to support me during this event and we’re really bummed to find out there was a list and I wasn’t part of it. Is it too late to be added? Or is there a way to make sure I can be part of something later?

Thank you so much in advance!

(I put in a ticket a week ago and it’s been sitting at 22 days for a ticket answer so I thought I’d try here!)


i would like to know what criteria were used to select the streamers, my channel is not on the list :frowning: (snow_mood) and i have been doing wow lives for some time this year a few months… can someone tell me why?