[UPDATED NOV 10] Celebrate 18 Years of World of Warcraft!

Happy 18th to WoW. Thank you all for making such an awesome game that has stood the test of time.

The journey has been amazing. I’ve met so many people, had wonderful adventures and laughs, seen gorgeous zones with beautiful music and sounds, had really cool interactions with npcs and so much more! Looking forward to more good times. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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So going according to the current world map, what was once a vast world with a large ocean and three very large continents is becoming more like the Archipelago of Warcraft…

wait… did i read my in-game calendar correctly? we can’t even use the 18% exp boost in dragonflight because the anniversary event is over before the xpac drops?

How do you have 700 developers and you can’t even do a quest or two every year for the anniversary. It’s astonishing.


Happy 18. Only seen 6 years of them.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

You do your name credit with this post.

I got 750 Heart of Azeroth artifact power as a reward for killing each dragon as a level 60 lol. Why? It definitely felt bad when other raid members received 272 gear.

I wonder what will happen for the 30th anniversary of Warcraft and 20th anniversary of World of Warcraft. Something special I hope.

Thanx for showing me that I was right in not playing retail anymore. Once WoTLK Classic is over Im putting my account to rest.

Seriously you cant even add 1 single thing for the anniversary of the game that literally kept you running on its shoulders before Activision came and you sold your souls to it.

If they make it to the 20th one call me surprised and shocked.

Just slap an old TCG mount on it and call it a day. Worked for the Twitch drops. :man_shrugging:


One thing FFXIV does better then wow and I love it. wow devs just don’t bother to add new stuff yearly for any holiday events, but then FFXIV comes along and adds a NEW short quesltine every year so its never a repeat, with new rewards, etc and its amazing! The only exception was when covid spread widely and they were forced to skip some holiday events but later made up for it by enabling them out of season anyway which was awesome

they could at least remove sandworm relics from Antros loot table the last 2 weeks of the expansion as a gimme to their players and increase the drop rate. I mean I know they don’t have the 4k employees that twitter have but come on some anniversary happiness? also not dropping pets on this anniversary and then timing the 1st year to charging mounts to a subscription now sort of tacky.

Will these mounts count as 1, 2 or not at all towards the 500 mount achievement?

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I see today’s update; where’s the mount from Korrak though?

UPDATED NOV 10: Clarified requirements to obtain the Stormpike Battle Ram and Frostwolf Snarler mounts from Korrak’s Revenge.

This is a joke, right?

You didn’t ‘clarify requirements’ - you changed them completely. Not only that but the hours wasted before this fix to earn progress was completely wasted. One time quests to speed this up are no longer available.

In your haste to rush this event out with little to no testing, and likely copied from previous years, you have broken some core elements that were clearly laid out in the promotional material.

Details laid out here

Seriously I would like this explained somehow.

Old: Achieve the ‘Alterac Valley of Olde’ achievement by obtaining 200 TW badges in old AV to get the mount.

New: Achieve some random bonus objective just thrown in today for the first time and… obtain 200 TW badges in old AV?

Why make this change in the first place unless it’s to cover up some hacky fix to support this copy/paste event? Why change nothing about this event intentionally, even the ilvl rewards, but change the source of the mount but keep the ultimate requirements (200 badges) the same? The mount journal is showing to do the achievement because that’s clearly the intended method as shown from years past and the original promotional message.


Edit: You seriously added a Bonus Objective that got legit set back to zero after all those hours of doing this horsesh!t?

Hours that you spent with sitting in queue

It does feel pretty bad to have my last few days of effort erased, I won’t lie.