[UPDATED MAY 31] Shadowlands 9.2.5 Content Update Notes

Hey come season 4 you can join the mage grind for mechagon bracers, fresh new content amirite?

No. That was never on the PTR or anything so it wasnā€™t really expected. This is a mid-patch content release. All Cypher and ilvls are at their max amounts. The next type of ilvl upgrade will be for the pre-Dragonflight patch, more than likely, similar to how they did Shadowlands.

They never said it wasnā€™t possible to do cross-faction guilds. They said they donā€™t want to do it. Thatā€™s your answer. They arenā€™t going to bring it back.

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Finally able to mog my RAF pieces without having to pay 500 gold over and over again because it loves to delete itself :smiley:

The only Horde you can have in your group are people you (or someone in your group) invites into the group. Why would you invite someone into your group just so you can kick them out?


Looking forward to cross-faction play!

Will there be any spec-tuning passes and adjustments?

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Weā€™ve been asking for it.

This is the final patch until Dragonflight.

And yet all ilevels are going up in season 4ā€” except world content.

In other words: no reason to stay subbed for world content players.

They said theyā€™re considering more cross dsction options, including guilds, and they plan on doing this all in steps as time goes by, due to coding and easing people into thingsā€” and also because that would be a change they can revert.

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Lol thereā€™s no such thing

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Do you need a lot of notice for a small update? Lol

I demand QoL updates be held off for months so that I have ample notice and can continue to suffer until then.


At 27k Achievement points Iā€™m just guessing thereā€™s not much left for you to do. Iā€™d hold off.

Can you unprune the druid travel forms and give an option to switch between having one button for each and one button for all?
Ok, but Im still confused to why yall would put the work into a new cheetah form, but dont let druids that can fly to use it whenever. (Flight form overrides the ground form everywhere that you can fly and the stag glyph gives you the stag, not the cheetah.)


Come onā€¦ Let me fly in Maw and Korthiaā€¦ :frowning:


If Iā€™m 246 ilvl but 260 pvp ilvl can I join SS?

Thereā€™s about 9k reasons left though.

Guys, please give void elves more customisations. Is depressing the way you keep ignoring them when all other legion allied races got their customisation pass.


Glad they fixed Jinglesā€™ naming issue! I wonder if that also somehow fixed the issue where you canā€™t use an Ultimate Battle Stone on themā€¦I wonā€™t know now cuz I couldnā€™t wait and just leveled mine instead.

Also interested to see the graphical fix, since people were saying you can randomly get ones without the wreath. So, maybe that was just part of this bug?


All the zoomers will be shouting !!KOOM BY AHH!!

The traditionalists cringe at night elves in ogrimmar, rainbow flags in thunder bluff, and alliance nancy boys polluting trade chatā€¦ughā€¦disgusting! Unsubscribed!


Awesome! If only this was true because we donā€™t want you here but you will keep playingā€¦ sigh


Yes, I too like to schedule my suffering.

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