[UPDATED MARCH 8] 9.0.5 Update Notes

so what exactly is the reason for the keystone nerf? it was a freaking QoL change if we wanna take breaks. what’s the rationale for changing it back?


Always the answer to, what class is best? What class should I play? What class always gets buffed and never nerfed consistently? What class is at the top and expects to get more buffs?

This is just straight up terrible. What the hell is going on with Blizzard? I desperately wish a blue would pop up on these forums and let us know, once and for all, that they have given up on Shadowlands so that we can all lower our expectations.

This list of “patch” notes is embarrassing.

  • Abomination Limb (Necrolord) no longer pulls in enemies that are in Stealth.

YESSSSSS. I think they also need to crank up the damage of sub and sin. Also destro locks pls

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I don’t even push keys and I think that’s stupid.


All the OGs that started it all are gone. Activision yes-men are running the show now.


Is the achievement requirement for upgrading gear account wide or character specific? For example, on my Paladin, I have keystone conqueror, but on my Shaman, I have 168 crafted gear and Thrall all for achievements.

I know that my Paladin will be able to upgrade her gear to 213, but can my shaman do the same? Or will my shaman need to get KS Conqueror, herself?

Hey, at least we’ll be able to mog those schweet rhinestone sunglasses though. Took long enough.



This is getting a bit ridiculous. I have to believe that the class devs are utterly clueless at this point.

Not only are we bottom tier for single target dps, but you continue to rub it in our faces with lack of meaningful changes.

The real problems with the class continue to go ignored, instead you focus your efforts into our borrowed power, ie legendaries? Seriously, this is ridiculous. I’d like to believe your class devs aren’t so absolutely clueless, but you continue to prove me wrong.


Blizzard, hire me. Ill balance your game for half the salary of these trash spreadsheet mathematicians you employ


We’re helping Protection warriors, but… not DPS warriors? What about Havoc DHs? lol

I mean according to their spreadsheet fire mages needed a buff and every spec at the bottom is fine.

  • Voracious Culling Blade increases Condemn’s (Venthyr Ability) damage by 50% (was 100%).
  • Smoldering Inertia damage bonus decreased to 100% (was 200%) and the duration increased to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
  • Spattered Soles, Ragemote, and Champion’s Decree have been removed.

Condemn nerfed, Smoldering nerfed and slam nukes deleted?!!
I might have to be awake to do my weekly runs now!

Seriously though why nerf stuff in soloable pve content that rewards virtually nothing? Give every class overpowerd stuff.


If it’s account wide yes, but you will still need to grind valor points on your shaman, which will be time gated, and most likely still involve a considerable time investment to accumulate the drops from mythics to upgrade

What specifically is the issue? You mean with how its formatted?

Be really weird if it wasn’t acct. wide, the achievement they’re basing it off of is (and they even created an achievement for all +5 to link to 207 upgrades)

  • Greater Fade is now cancelled when players attempt to capture a PvP objective.

Which one of your terribad devs fail at spinning flags?

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“The formula for determining the level of the first Mythic Keystone players receive each week has been adjusted”

No one wants this. Please, for the love of god, revert this change.


I think it’s more relating to class changes. So far all we’ve seen are nerfs to mid tier specs like MM hunters and WW monks via bug fixes to bugs that have existed for ages and that the class was pretty much balanced around. No changes to overperforming specs like fire mages, balanced druids and affliction warlocks. In fact, fire mages were given a buff via a buff to their legendary, giving them ~3% DPS increase by switching to it. You know what’s funnier? They nerfed an MM hunter legendary item to be worse than on live. No joke. So yes, this is just straight up terrible.


Burning Wound legendary got nerfed before live again? So bliz can’t see how weak the havoc is now? Not everyone wants to play as veg tank. Havoc has big problems in both pve and pvp.

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