[UPDATED MARCH 8] 9.0.5 Update Notes

I thought the Night Fae Druid Convoke nerf was only for battle-grounds. Is it applying to PvE as well?

Did you read it? It’s only for Guardian and Resto that it can’t cast full moon in PvE.

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Yea, it was a great change going into SL, now you’re once again punished for skipping awful weeks.

If there was no awful weeks, wouldn’t be a problem, but there is.


Would love to hear some official word from the development team on how they think Mistweaver is performing. Honestly baffled that the only real changes Mistweaver has gotten since launch are a mana buff and what essentially was reverting a nerf from BfA to the life cocoon honor talent. Thanks for the mana buff I guess, but when is the spec going to get meaningful changes?


In 9.1.
And when it doesn’t happen then, it’ll be 9.2.
And when it doesn’t happen then, it’ll be 9.3.


"The formula for determining the level of the first Mythic Keystone players receive each week has been adjusted.

Previously, players would always receive a Keystone 1 level below the highest they’d completed so far in Season 1.
After this change, Keystone level will continue to decrease by 1 per week until players again complete a higher level Keystone.
For example, a player who completes a level 15 Keystone will receive a level 14 Keystone the following week. If they do not complete a 15 or higher Keystone that week, they will receive a level 13 Keystone the week after."



I won’t bother. Blizz is adding this change deliberately to sabotage the patch because they disagree with what the playerbase want. So when they implement a positive change, they have to make a negative one as well because they are a bunch of petty children throwing tantrums.


Players were taking a break between weeks – can you imagine that?! Taking a break, Blizzard can’t have players taking breaks! Gotta play every week.


Why not just buff the other specs? Why does everyone have a hard on for seeing other specs nerfed.


Because buffing underperforming specs to bring them inline with overperforming specs is never going to happen. Asking for nerfs at least is in the realm of possibility, even if it seems underhanded and shifty.

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This change was already in pvp, and you can still kill somebody with convoke faster than they can kick you at times. Needs a nerf.


nice…I’ll finally remove wow from my pc. I’ll just get the free mount first.


Nerf to Ele with Fire Mage and Boomy left as is . ‘Slow clap’


Pirate Dragon, “aarrr wasn’t what I was expecting mateys” :pirate_flag: “yyarr sad dragon” ._.

I should’ve read the patch notes first. Well looks like the community mount is coming at least.

I suppose anything is possible, but its hard to believe no one know where the NPC is a few days before its launch. The only thing I can think of is it requires an item that CAN be upgraded before anything is interactable.

We’re already s-tier, and condemn is already causing issues in PvP due to it’s synergy with death sentence.
We don’t need this buff in PvP.

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Yeah! Elton John buff soon…


Yes. Previously it was a PvP nerf. I’m not sure why they’re nerfing boom-boxing/cat-weaving outside of PVP.

That could be it .I’ve heard any m+ gear already worn can’t be upgraded.

Good lord, I need to finish leveling my mage lol.

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