[UPDATED] Mage and Paladin Tuning Incoming - July 18

they dont benefit fire more than any other spec. fire just has a decent aoe kit. Have you seen what they do to other aoe classes? warlock? DK?

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link to logs? id love to see his insane dps. crit isnt great for fire. crit % - crit damage is good but not flat %


yall dont even have any raid logs from this patch lol

our logs are private.
our kill from zskarn from last night.

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Dayum Bro, we just sittin here mindin our own business…


SP been mandatory m+ spec for ages. It’s extremely powerful by itself and also buffs hard another dps with PI. There’s no way frost should be nerfed before SP


Anytime a class gets nerfed the most amusing part is watching everyone else catch strays.

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private? odd but okay. I dont see “insane #s” there. But okay. Certainly doesnt warrant a blanket 5% nerf considering that mage in your example is loaded with externals and only beating the 2-5 dps by a tiny margin


Truth… dude not even using scattershot… he pulled out the laser scope.

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not my choice.
i just follow the rules lol

he isn’t.
that’s without PI and possibly random crit buffs from our one aug. lol
he doesn’t even want the crit buff lmao

yeah SP has been a 100% locked in spot for how many tiers now?

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Realistically, the Fire AoE nerfs were probably warranted, though I do worry that this ends up being so heavy a nerf that it brings the entire usage of Flamestrike into question, once again. In addition, I can’t help but feel like the 5% aura buff is a bit… Heavy handed? Yes, fire is trending high on single target, but that’s partially due to ignite not properly attributing damage from Augmentation. I hope to be proven wrong last week and to still feel in a healthy spot.


Umm, 1?

Spriest weren’t even on the radar in SL despite having all the same utility as now (vamp embrace, mass dispel bursting, PI, etc.) people claim makes them required.


I imagine he does high on other fights, but to be fair Zskarn is the Fire fight of the raid. Perfect target amount for Ignite, good timings with combustion. It was the one fight where mages swapped off Arcane before the patch.

tbh, i cant really get proper numbers on him from our other kills because we loaded up our unholy dk with both crit buffs and PI.
it made everyone else look small in comparison LOL

he is killing it on mag

Yup definitely mages fault. Definitely not the new shiny overpowered augmentation spec or the PI that people have wanted to have changed to just a priest button for years now. Nooope, all mage.


Now do Augmentation Evokers please.


“decent” and “instantly the best in the game” feels a bit… disingenuous.

PI is amazing. Glad they made a whole spec out of the concept. Hope they do more.

Okay now where are the buffs for all low end classes?