[UPDATED] Mage and Paladin Tuning Incoming - July 18

Press F to pay respects for paladins, not worth bringing to keys now.


Because they want PvP Paladins to utilize Divine Plea. They didn’t implement it, for Paladins not to use it. They just don’t seem to understand it’s a unfun mechanic to force on a healer in this PvP environment, especially in Solo Shuffle.

Blizzard has some twisted view on Paladins being this “high risk/high reward” playstyle, that just doesn’t exist


Where are you seeing Holy Pally do 100k DPS in keys?

Literally absurd comment. Go to Warcraft Logs and look at the best Holy Paladins, highest DPS I am seeing is ~50k.


Wait, WHAT???

Watch streams of Hpallies doing +25-29’s. I’ve seen them do 100-105k overall multiple times.

Its not hard to find on twitch. Everyone switched to Hpally this week.

And Hpally will still be very good after the nerfs.


He just did 100k in FH 2sec ago! Overall!

106k overall in BH
98k in nelth


Fix classes that are heavy reliant on externals. Unholy DK for example.

Actually straight up lies. Go to warcraft logs rn and find me actual data of someone doing over 60k overall.

I’ll save you the time though, because you won’t. Highest is 60k with augevoker, some might be able to do 100k on a massive AOE pull but not overall.

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Honestly, a flat healing nerf of 8% and nerfing tyrs deliverance is not the play here. Hpal finally felt in-line(albeit a little better) with some other classes that can press 1 button and do massive healing. Maybe one or the other if it was thought to be excessive? increase the cd or maybe decrease the uptime of tyrs.


What if you buffed the underperformers for once instead of always nerfing the ones doing well? Or why don’t you just stop doing buffs period to classes/specs since you ALWAYS walk them back the first reset after with heavy handed nerfs. Every. Single. Time.


Yeah, How often do we shatter anymore, one nova every 25s, doesnt proc with flurry…

h ttps://ibb.co/4dTmBZW


Would be nice to go ahead and nerf priest mass dispel while y’all are at it. It’s busted in M+

Also go ahead and nerf guardian druid too.

Btws I’m not sure how Aug Evoker isn’t getting touched. It’s insanely busted.

Blizzard balance team doing its finest work 10/10.

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Sure thing, nerf mass dispel, but give us all the utility holy paladin has in return.

It’s too much. I expected half of those nerfs. Utility isn’t fun it’s a chore.

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what a F****** joke, you might as well tell the whole world you still suck at balancing… you guys clearly can’t let stuff sit for awhile to actually get numbers to have better data… 1 week is not enough to justify an 8% nerf

I finally caught my other healers who where doing 2 button cd’s and having huge numbers… you just made hpals have to work harder to do that healing.

EDIT: other healers crying is funny as they finally have hpals to compete against and then they get us nerfed


Another L for healers. Rip solo shuffle queues yet again.

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Completely justified and greatly needed

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Where’s the guardian druid tuning? Out damaging all tanks and providing insane AoE healing. Is that intended?


Where are the Aug nerfs. Not fun having a spec feel mandatory out of 5 spots. All that talk about being able to quickly adjust Aug for dungeons using close as clutch mates yet nothing is being done. Please react faster

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Are these mage changes affecting PvP? Seems like an oversight, mage needs buffs in PvP, not nerfs. Fire has to run -20%hp with glass cannon and still does less damage then every other caster. Frost feels super clunky and revolves around a gimmicky one shot. And arcane has the lowest player representation in the game.

If you think 3% crit is what makes Aug good idk what to tell you. It’s probably the 2nd least impactful buff on the spec besides the incredibly mediocre flame breath on-hit.