[UPDATED JULY 11] Dragonflight: Fractures in Time Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Oh no…

Continues using leatrix plus which autovendors+autorepairs on vendor interact without selling BoE grays, like I have been for months.

:joy: , :rofl: Even.

OK so we get 5 times more base mana - 250 k instead of 50 k so YAY!!! My Ret pally does a cute little dance of joy…!

But hang on… we only get 1 mana per second instead of 6 per second… This sounds familiar…
So I may have 5 times more mana to start with but I am going to run out of it quicker than before because I won’t be replenishing it at the same rate… Hmmmm
As a pally I can stand there and go toe to toe with some big dude who has 10 times my health and just wear him down if I am careful with my Word of Glory and shields, and watch my Holy power. As long as he doesn’t summon too many friends or I pull something passing by, I can always wear them down. I never have EVER run out of mana during this expansion as a ret pally (back as a holy pally in the days of Cataclysm - that was another story) but I can see those days may be over. I don’t even carry mana pots anymore!

Has anyone run the numbers on this? I’d be interested to know. Going by history, it’s going to drive healers insane as they start going OOM faster than they are used to and a new dungeon to learn at the same time.

so…can we have retro bad luck protection for the legendaries?

Not a chance lmfao

So is the bad luck protection retroactive?

I would be happy with heroic, even if we have to wait a few weeks for it.

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Ion stated in an interview last week that the rogue rework was being delayed till a later patch, probs 10.1.7, just cause too much to do for 10.1.5 https://www.wowhead.com/news/wowhead-patch-10-1-5-interview-with-ion-hazzikostas-mandatory-raid-specs-chase-333837

Only on heroic and mythic though. But I guess that means that people will be actually be able to get it eventually, whether its to use in DF or for transmog later.

SoO skip disconnects players, but reconnect and you’ll be right there at the end. Slightly annoying, but otherwise a nice addition

yeah, I’m aware.
I’ve killed sark on heroic every week since week one

They fix the “bad luck” associated with the Evoker Legendary but they won’t fix the “bad luck” associated with the Class trinket off of Neltharion. Killed that boss OVER 20 times. Do it every week on RF Heroic and Normal, Open vaults every week, and can’t seem to win (or see it more than 3 times) the trinket. I guess my RNG is just terrible when I choose a main for the season. Happened to my druid last raid. Got the trinket 2 weeks before the next raid launch. It would be nice if the random token you can get from the last boss can be traded in for that trinket or other “very rare” loot.

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Hunters aren’t feeling the love, that’s for sure.

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so you complete a time rift but don’t get credit for completing it?
Just finished one and 0 credit.

We just kind of have to love ourselves at this point.


We lost all love when they stole away our ability to customize our pet spec…

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I been trying to turn in the quest “The Sins of the Ashbringer” for 30 minutes. No idea what I’ve been doing wrong but can’t find anything online of what I am doing wrong either.

Wait … which of those terrain pictures is the before and which is the after? Please don’t tell me you actually added more dark and blur to the world??!!

The bad luck protection being implemented now is laughably bad, it should have been implemented the moment it was released.

Overall, it looks cool :slight_smile:


My main is a demo-lock who long ago bought the Felguard glyph for my Wrathguard. I was thrilled to see I would be able to customize him further. But then I log in to find the Wrathguard that I had previous bought and paid for was gone and that I was going to have to purchase him. Again.

So I paid it so I could customize him to one of three colors? No FX or weapon changes or size changes or armor changes. Just pick one of three colors?

The other customizations look awesome, but I’m at the whim of the AH to how many thousands of gold I want to pay just to make my demons look different/cool.

Color me disappointed for spending 7K to get back what I already had paid for :frowning: