I know how they are, I was trying to get them to spill for us so we have SOME idea.
However, the reset after the capes SEEMS plausible, but dang that date is coming up fast and I seriously hope it’s NOT that soon.
I know how they are, I was trying to get them to spill for us so we have SOME idea.
However, the reset after the capes SEEMS plausible, but dang that date is coming up fast and I seriously hope it’s NOT that soon.
On the other hand they’re just slight visual alterations to abilities you’ll prolly never use again outside Timewalking so… don’t see the big issue at all.
You should see classic’s trade chat when it comes to boosts and carries lol.
So will Black Serpent of N’zoth be feasible in Shadowlands? With corruption going away will visions be scaled down to easy content, or will it be way harder?
That cuts both ways. If it’s not a big issue to remove, it’s not a big issue to keep. Some people like to be able to continue completing that collection. Usually removal of cosmetics isn’t based on the cosmetic itself so much as removal of unique content that happened to reward the cosmetic. So legendary questlines would get removed, thus the legendary item rewarded at the end would get removed (like the MoP Cape or the WoD ring, which also rewarded a monument in your garrison). Or the Legion Mage Tower skins - The Mage Tower scenarios presented as special, time-limited challenges, were getting removed, thus the skins you earned from those scenarios got removed.
Even with the Mage Tower removals though, there was an exception that proves the rule about cosmetics getting to stay when attached to content not getting removed. That is to say, while the initial skin for beating a Mage Tower challenge got removed from being obtianable, if someone had already obtained THAT skin during Legion, they could obtain the OTHER variations of that skin tied to accomplishing tasks in other content that had since been trivialized (such as getting the Heroic Kil’jaeden skin variation of the Mage Tower skin).
Regardless of the cosmetic effects on essences themselves, obviously the title also exists outside of timewalking, and any fair assessment of the title achievement viewed the skill bottleneck as being the 2400 rated PvP part, which no one thinks will be trivialized, and it’s not like PvP is being removed from the game.
What about the Vale and Uldum? Didn’t someone say the vale would be restored when this was over?
What about those mounts?
The only purpose of these is to be a memento for people that earned them by playing this xpack enough to get them. Every expansions had these things to some extent. I do agree that the fact there’s an RNG factor to some of them sucks though but… its on par for the course with the expansion itself as well :/.
Game is not worse because i have an unobtainable mount from Cata or my Mistwalker Title/Cloak/Teleports from MoP for example, but they aren’t really relevant to anyone but me anymore as they’re just reminders of certain events that happened when i played during that period of time in WoW.
I don’t see how the Essences are any different (for the record i have 0 Rank 4 ones and i think its entirely fair considering i skipped 90% of the expansion).
That list seems suspiciously lacking… They didn’t even mention anything about the Brawler’s guild and we all know that always gets revamped every expac.
the prepatch lasts for at least a month stated by devs and probably 2 weeks after cape is maxed because corription is going away in the pre-patch plus just the fact that blizz is now even mentioning the pre-patch is a huge deal, they kept this pre-patch on top secret, more secret than even SL info, previous pre-patches we knew way ahead of time what would go on in it. all we know of this is obviously scourge go bat-crazy on azeroth and the squish and new level system is coming, besides tht we haven’t been given more info on it but it seems its smaller than the legion one, tbh with such huge changes, the squish and lvling system it should be out 2 months before the SL but devs already stated 1 month, i mean the squish system isnt bugged in beta. Pre-patch shouldn’t need months of testing on the PTR especially if its only just a few scourge tossed around rampaging different zones, the legion was having zones turned to fell n stuff while the scourge even necropolis wouldn’t do much changes, also based on the pre-patch book being out this month, doubt there’s a few month long wait between the book and pre-patch launch
1.scourge invade
2.nathanos is fought
3.sylvanas kidnaps faction leaders
seems like the scenario part will be a lot smaller than darkshore since most the events occur in the book and not the pre-patch itself
so small scenario mixed with a smaller version of the legion invasions plus only lasting for a month.
As of beta, no main characters die in pre-patch, are just grabbed by sylvanas and flown into the maw in the sky. Also did anyone forget that the scenario and cinematic for the final battle of horde v alliance in bfa where sylvanas killed saurfang was never in PTR and was just BAM surprise added in-game last year? pretty sure their internal testers who did that would easily test a pre-patch now.
Nope they are so far taking this out so has to be done in bfa.
That is precisely the reason why i left World of Warcraft a few years ago: hard funneling and removing the possibility to earn specific rewards after a fixed time limit. Only reason why i’m still here its for WoW classic.
Quick players! Buy up those tokens and amass enough blizzard gold sales to pay those top raiding guilds to run you for the mount before we remove it! Those guilds need the gold for the world firsts next expansion and were dicks who love money!
I truly despise such method, removing things is always a bad thing and more likely to drive people away than anything.
I began the game at the end of WoD and trust me i truly hate the devs when i learned about entire quest chain removed from MoP and WoD because i couldn’t do them and so have missed essentials story quest.
This habit to remove things has to stop, especially if it’s on things based on RNG like some rank 4 essences.
It make the game poorer for no reason and it’s unfair toward new players.
Will the servant of N’zoth title be going away with the pre-patch or expansion?
I’m not really making an argument about whether time limitation of rewards is inherently good or bad. I’m not against all limitation. But each thing has to be assessed against the factors around it at the time, and here you had a major heaping of RNG tied in with a particularly notable requirement that’s not expansion-centric at all and not something that gets easier when an expansion ends (getting 2400 rated PvP), and none of it was tied into content that was actually unique to the expansion and getting removed (like legendary questlines or Legion Mage Tower scenarios).
And that’s all on top of the pure lateness of the announcement - if they had planned to do this, they really should have announced that these essences were going to be limited time cosmetics almost immediately (it’s always nicer to be able to plan long-term with knowledge in advance of whether something will go away). Either they made this decision very recently (which then looks like poor planning on their part, they should have planned this stuff out when they implemented it) or they made this decision a long time ago and decided not to give a heads up to people (while also ignoring feedback for months and months about the RNG irritations).
I get saying this stuff isn’t a big deal. I’ve missed out on a ton of time-limited things over the years and it’s never really that big a deal. Still, even small deals can generate a lot of discussion because a lot of factors come into play. And when it comes down to it, WoW’s experience for people can often be summarized as the aggregate effect of countless small deals.
Hire a pvp developer or dedicated pvp team asap please!
Yours sincerely - Pvp community
But somehow a new player scooping up stuff some other players spent a ton of time and energy earning when it was relevant would be fair?
I don’t get this mindset at all. This isn’t a collect-a-ton, this isn’t Spyro or Crash Bandicoot.
You aren’t supposed to own everything the game ever introduces. Attempting to do so is not a sustainable way to play it at all for most people (can trust me on that one).
This game is an ever-evolving one with clearly defined eras. I think one of the last tool they have to showcase this is making some stuff time limited.
Besides even if you do want to consider this game a collect-a-ton… isn’t the whole point of a collection to own limited edition stuff? Think of any real life collectibles, figures, cards, stamps, art, whatever. Isn’t a lot of that stuff only valuable because it was only produced in a limited fashion at a specific time? How is this any different for WoW?
Beyond any of that its unlikely Blizzard will ever “stop” this because they’re forced to do it to some extent. Take the Challenge Mode stuff from MoP/WoD for example. Its a system that was entirely removed from the game. How do you keep the stuff tied to it earnable? Reintroducing and retuning it using current values would be a gigantic waste of devs time who usually prefer to look forward rather than backwards. They did it to some extent with Timewalking but its pretty obvious tuning isn’t their first priority in that type of content, which isn’t a huge deal considering its just meant as a fun side-thing, but giving CMs that treatment would devalue the whole thing for players who did that content when it was relevant back then, which isn’t fair to them either.
Besides, Blizzard also never removes stuff without adding new stuff to be earned. Instead of lamenting over things you can’t have, why not give Shadowlands a real go and try to earn some of the difficult/rare stuff it will inevitably have to offer?
Then you’ll have something neat with some good memories tied to it, just like us old school players.
Do we REALLY need more content removed from the game? The more content and collectables that are removed ruins any reason to return to any expansion.
He was talking about corrupted gear and they never said that was temporary. I was operating on the assumption we would get to use it leveling up in Shadowlands. When I found out we couldn’t I just stopped farming echoes.
I don’t think its a last minute decision. They just never announce this super early.
They handled Challenge Modes exactly the same way back in MoP and there was a ton of pushback then as well.
Probably partly because they probably don’t know themselves exactly when the pre-patch gonna drop (they have rough target dates usually until really late into the project).
Probably because they also don’t want people to throw themselves into content they don’t enjoy just for a cosmetic.
I mean you’re a good example of that, you haven’t done arena in like a decade, even if they announced 6 months ago the removal of rank 4 essences, what would that had changed for you?
Besides, as i said i do sympathize with the RNG aspect for the others though, its precisely that kind of stuff that made me take a break from the game, but at the same time, RNG was literally one of the core pillar of this expansion, so seeing rewards tied to it is anything but surprising.