bugs me the longboi is going away. I’m only 2.5 million gold into it and I started back in april. I really want that mount, but I doubt on my server(s) will be able to allow me to make that over again in 2 months. to much per day when everyeone else is fighting for it. I will have the motivation to reach it before prepatch.
There are some raw gold farming methods to be found via Youtube, if the AH just isn’t cutting it for you. I still recommend supplementing your raw farms with some AH posts as well, just so you have an all-around possible income even while you’re offline. I mainly posted the ores people use to make mounts from old content, some bags, and the handful of Uncanny stuff I could make with LW, and slowly plugged away while I raw farmed. But you’re halfway there! I think you can still make it.
I think the 125 corruption resistance IS is the nerf.
Ikr, my husband was farming like mad for the long boi and then got deployed. Now I’m doing my best to try and make the gold for him as a nice surprise when he comes home. Unfortunatly due to everyone else doing the same, the prices of most everything has dropped a lot. It would take a miracle to get the remaining 2million he needs at this point.
Removing the Bronto is such Bull, your not removing any other dinos so your little Extinction event this is just a load of crap.
Unfortunately i wont be able to get keymaster mount since i did not do many M+s and so no group will take me since Raider IO is a thing
Cool, but please stop retiring things like mounts and titles. Make them more difficult, but don’t make them impossible.
Every single expansion has had something that wasn’t obtainable in future expansions.
There should be a more tangible bad luck protection for RNG rank 4s. something that you get for each failed chance that you can combine into the rank 4. I have all the RNG rank 4s for the achievement but it’s not fair to other players.
I got that mount by spending 170k gold and just afk for 5 minutes, EZ.
The MoP scenerio they did and that was more similar than warfronts.
The irony is none of these mounts are worth sticking around for… i could play 1 more month and have enough gold for the brutosaur but why… its not even that cool of a mount. I couldnt bring mysrlf to play 8.3 for another month to make the last bit of gold.
I only played this patch because of a government lockdown and serious boredom.
8.3 has to be one of the worst patches the game has seen. It makes you think there is lots to do but i likely got just as much use out of the selfie cam farming old raids…
Thanks but no thanks, hopefully I can forget about BFA as easily as I will about these mounts.
oh no! is it near?
They didnt mention the levels going away. Hurry and get to 120 so you can be 50 in sl. hahahaa
About how long till the prepatch will we have? Month? Week?
Wow, thanks for advertising for all the sleazebag guilds spamming Trade! It’s really ruining the game at this point, no sense of community or fun in Trade chat anymore because it’s non-stop “GOLD ONLY carries” I don’t understand how they’re any different from SusanExpress gold sellers!
Which is exactly why Trade chat sucks these days, don’t feed the pigeons!
You can further prepare for Mythic N’Zoth the Corruptor by watching the Mythic N’Zoth Complexity Limit guide.
Ahhahah, gets me every time. wipes tear
You were told up front that essenses were temporary and patch 8.3 Ny’Alotha only. They never said you were grinding a lasting thing. You didn’t have to focus time on it unless yoiu wanted to. I certainly did not and hated that crap more than I did WoD Garrisons.
Removing the Rank 4 Essences seems unnecessary and borderline vindictive given the RNG nature of many of them (including the mythic boss drops - which function the same as mythic mount drops). And as for the non-RNG Rank 4 essences, it’s not like those ones wouldn’t be very easy to adjust to be expansion-agnostic.
As an example, the +15 dungeon achievement in Legion for an Artifact skin was changed from requiring the Legion dungeons to just being rewarded if you got +15’s done in any expansion. Why not do the same for the BFA Rank 4 essence tied to Mythic+ dungeons? Or as another example, just adjust the “get 2400 in BFA” requirement to “get 2400 rating” period, as no one believes that 2400 is going to suddenly get easier in future expansions (most people tend to think ratings will get harder over time, due to gradual drops in rated PvP participation).
for official try the week or two after we get our capes maxed out on corrupption for the start of the pre-patch u can do the math on tht, closest thing we have to a dev countdown such as they did in the past with channeled spells or days till your maxed of grinding a system, this is blizzway and always has been way before they announce anything “official”