Update to the Guild Name Change Service

On April 22, Guild name changes will be sold for 200,000 gold from Guild Masters in any major city and the Guild Name Change Service will be retired from the Shop.


11.1.5 date confirmed then, as this is a part of that patch.

Not surprising as the Children’s Week event starts that following Sunday, and the patch has an update to the event.


Yay for less items on the shop and more things in game.


so lets put all the services in the game for gold.


Lok’tar Ogar… but I agree all services should have an ingame optional gold fee.


Increasingly more common Blizzard W.

Could the achievement for the 5th Warbank Slot Purchase become a Feat of Strength achievement? That 2.5 mil gold cost for 100% Character achievements isn’t a pretty sight.

They kind of already are with buying WoW Tokens with gold.

cool when we getting guild transfer back? or do you not care about single person guilds.

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why only that service?

my doomer brain thinks theres probably something they dont like dealing with, with that particular service. it’s not like them to be nice xD

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Its a service that probably doesn’t get used that much.

I will probably never change my guild name but I think this is great so coolio. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Race change next

So people will still spend $20 to buy a Token and change their guild name, with the added option of just using the gold they already have.

Interesting change…

Race changes are a big chunk of the game’s overall revenue. Unless we can come up with a politically progressive reason for it to be necessary (like gender changes at the barber shop), race changes will continue to cost $$$$.

Probably the cost to have an employee to provide that service was more than redesigning it to be done in the game. Kind of like having the barbershop change appearances and gender.

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Wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t.

Guilds are after all designed for multiple people to play together.

Hopefully all other services follow since gold is a direct relation to IRL currency.


Full support for this amazing change!

But don’t stop with only this, please make all of the services like this, gold paid and in-game. It would be really awesome, especially for players from a country with fluctuating economy like me; who don’t even come close to buying any non-essential services like name change, race change or realm transfer etc.

Also, please make mogging free like barbershop too.
Game would be a lot more fun with all these, really.


Can we add in Race, and Name changes to this. Do an over time wow token average to figure out the gold cost and make it a nice round number. Would be EXTREMELY popular and be a good way to sink gold of of the game.

150-250k for something in the shop, with slight variance :-1:

200k for something from the shop (npc) :+1: