Update the HOLIDAYS please

Top of my list is making the headless horseman a permanent addition to the garrison. “Whether it be through flood or fire, the horseman is here all seasons to throw rhymed insults and earn your ire!”.

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That’s a thing?

He flies overhead at garrisons in circles on hallows end during the event but only seldomly and he stops at the end of October.

I don’t think its fair to ask this small indie company for so much. They can barely get a patch out, they have probably only 4 or 5 guys tops working on things.

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Yes please. I already have almost everything from all the events
Also, please let us use the transmog all year long!


Also some Halloween/dark moon fairy versions of the imported winter veil trees. Maybe also some possessed drustvar wildlife?


Hearing the Brewfest music always takes me back 10+ years when I used to get all excited about it.


I mean, they’d help if they actually had rewards. Only one I had fun with was trial of style though. cause it had a few recolored mogs I could grab.

They wouldn’t even have to retire things. They can be reworked or in cases like Halloween’s left in as a bit of a side to a main event sort of thing, since tbh I think a single boss and collecting candy buckets really does sound like it’d be a side to a main event.

There is so much they could do! Rather than just one holiday boss it would be cool if they reused old dungeons with new mobs for the holiday.

For example they could reuse Waycrest manor for a spooky Halloween dungeon. Or that Cataclysm dungeon by the Wyrmrest Temple for winter veil.

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They kinda-sorta did this using raid bosses. For example, Fetid Devourer during Winter’s Veil is sooo cute.

Since asian and african humans is a thing now, what do you think about adding some different non-western holidays to the game (something like Lunar Festival)?

Just a random thought, don’t flag me.

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Yeah I would really like to see some new stuff added. The most they have done is add the brewfest chow down which is a nice start lol. Let’s start addons more and new features to all the holidays! Like they add more stuff to the dmf!

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I’m fine with this, just got it. :smiling_imp:

Chow down is horribly implemented though. After the second day, hardly anyone was around to do it. There’s a cool down, which make sense when it’s crowded but when it’s dead, the three people that want to do it again have to wait. This is wow, no one wants to wait…

And you need four players to do it. Again, after the second day, ghost town.

So yeah, more fun themed things, but they need to be better implemented.

At least having a few new rewards for events would be nice.

I know they have added more bit by bit overtime but for example this Halloween there isn’t any new epic costumes or pets or anything to buy so all I can really do is try to get the Horseman.

Now that is a great idea. That raid would look fantastic with Halloween decorations.


They need updates but, the HH stays. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or better idea, keep both encounters.

with SL out next year, it be cool to have a event in Duskwood, and Gilneas where its a Vampire vs Worgen war… and we have to pick a side, and help one or the other. and make it where there are new toys / costumes/ and even a Transmog set for each side if you grind out enough w/e’s lol

All the holidays need a reboot… with actual activities and prizes worth bothering with beyond the first two years.

This is what a gw2 halloween looks like:

  • Mad King’s Labyrinth - Bloody Prince Edrick has taken over parts of the Mad King’s Labyrinth and is controlling the undead armies in the Mad King’s Realm. The Skeletal Lich, Grand High Viscount of Candy Corn, and the Labyrinthine Horror lie in wait.
    • Labyrinth Race - Take part in a race through the Labyrinth on your mounts. (Occurs roughly every 20 minutes)
  • Mad King’s Clock Tower - Tyria’s most maddening jumping puzzle thrilled players during last year’s Halloween event and returns better than ever.
  • Ascent to Madness - Fight against the Mad King Thorn himself, as he trades in his usual jokes and pranks to face you head on.
  • Mad King Says - Join the Mad King Thorn as he commands you to perform actions, or attempts to trick you.
  • Lunatic Inquisition - Attempt to survive the night as a villager while the Lunatic Courtiers hunt you down.
  • Mad Memoires scavenger hunt
  • Reaper’s Rumble - Playable for the first time since the original GW2 Halloween celebration, a fast-paced PvP format where players compete to recover pumpkins and spawn hordes of skeletons to attack the enemy team’s base.
  • Mad King’s Raceway - On the fields of Reaper’s Rumble, join the new beetle race or try your skill at the adventure. Rental for the Roller Beetle available for a small fee.
  • Mad Maleficence collection.


Christmas (wintersday):


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