Update the BMAH Please Blizz

Hello all,

I have a idea for the Black Market Auction House (BMAH) which I think would be beneficial. For those of you who dont know, the BMAH is a source to buy rare items, mounts, gear, etc… Many of which are unobtainable now.

I may speak alone, however, I would love to see a new token/currency implemented in the game. Currency that can be used at the BMAH. To explain, events such as holidays, the Darkmoon Faire, have not been updated in years with new rewards (this is a separate issue). Why not add a currency that is gained from these, making them relevant again. In turn this currency can be used to redeem for rare mounts, etc, from the BMAH.

This keeps the items “rare”, as it may take you a year to actually have enough to purchase the item your after, and also makes them more attainable. Yes, they can be purchased with gold, however, 10mil for a mount is ridiculous. Despite myself having 10 mil to buy them in the first place.

It keeps people playing annually, makes old content relevant, and allows everyone, including those non-rich WoW players to obtain rare items they’ve always desired.


Just let us use cash


you already can… It defeats the purpose

BMAH need a complete overhaul. It is really old, the regular AH got an overhaul and BMAH needs one as well. This way, not only players would be happy but also a lot more gold would be taken out of the game.

  • Have AH end times random, so BMAH do not cater the people who can be online at the same time every night.
  • Remove gears there were added from MOP and stuff that does not give any transmog.
  • Have certain amount of item available every day. There should be item categories and each category should have a min and max item available.

For example, BMAH should have 2-5 pets available every day and 1-3 mount available every day with random auction times between 12-48 hours.


Yeah I agree. I know exactly what times it ends each day and can camp there. The more gold you have the more you win. I guess thats the point, aside from a few days where it randomly ends differently and you get a deal. And yeah, having items that are completely useless/irrelevant are also kind of pointless. I get RNG, but to entirely waste gold is just dumb lol…

Absolutely no on the special currency.

Absolutely yes to there being random listings and times that are in no way predictable. You could have a sale listing and ending within the same hour.


In the very least make items BOA… Makes zero sense to be a leather class and receive Plate. I know this is the chance you take, but makes absolute zero sense.

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Exactly, but if you cannot be online when the auctions end it does not really matter if you have more gold because you will get outbid, or you overpay so others won’t outbid you.

Unclaimed should have something relatable to the buyer obviously and if the useless stuff are removed, it would give something usable even if it was a duplicate.

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I made a few toons on dead servers and earned a bit of gold to buy few unclaimed boxes but i keep forgeting to go check them daily lol . The suggestions in here is really nice though .

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I think the idea of having to grind every world event for a year to get currency to buy something on the BMAH sucks.

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There’s currently a token/currency for the BMAH, it’s called gold.


Cut to the chase. Direct CC access.

You say this as if it’s forced system. It’s entirely optional, just as the world events themselves are entirely optional. I personally think this option is a nice added bonus, its either this or grind out millions of gold to buy the things on there anyways, isnt it…?

Playing the game is entirely optional, too. It’s a special bonus for people who like to do those and a mandatory grind for those who don’t like it.

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You literally just backed up my statement, thank you <3

I made a separate thread about this but they need to add the super simian sphere to the bmah. Also it makes no sense that the plagued proto drake is on the bmah but the black proto drake is not. They should add both or remove plagued.


BMAH is used to dump gold out of the game. What you’re suggesting goes totally against that.


I understand this, my point is it can also serve as a long-term reward system to it’s player base. Im not saying, switch from gold to currency. Im saying as a added incentive it should be there. An incentive to play the game more frequently-> Happy playerbase ->more subs ->more money for blizz. Who wouldn’t take part playing the game more actively through this system if it meant after a year, you could potentially purchase a Spectral Tiger.

What would be the ratio? And say you play enough to be able to pay with that new currency, wouldn’t it mean that you’d have the gold as well?

And if the gold acquisition becomes easier or harder, will the token change trade exchange value or stays the same?

You’d be introducing so much cons, just to counter the core reason the BMAH exists in the first place.

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I think her intent would be that gold can fluctuate over the course of that time whereas this currency would only be used for this so it would only go up.

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