Update the BMAH Please Blizz

Im unsure what you mean by ratio, sorry. To answer your question though, yes we can all farm gold. But certain mounts, about 5-10 that I can think of off the top of my head, cost over 10 million gold (some are 30 million and more). In fact many actually require a third party person to acquire them for you more or less. Regardless of how much you play and gold farm, these amounts just arent even realistic to 99.9% of players.

Say whatever you buy has a current bid of 100k gold. How much of your currency would you need to beat that bid? How much time would you need to acquire that amount of currency. How much gold would you have acquired by the time you gain that amount of currency. Would it then just make more sense to keep it to strictly gold so that the BMAH does the work it’s been designed to do, as in gold dumping?

So to answer your question, i think you got misguided by the “currency” part. What i am refering to is something similar to “timewarped badges”. Something that has no value, cant be traded, but can be acquired naturally throughout the year by playing the game. Once you reach some hypothetical amount (the cost of what ever it is you are after) you redeem this currency for that item.

She wants a rotating vanity vendor with currency. like ff14’s mount tokens. Personally i think that should be entirely separate from the bmah but who would say no to an new system like that.

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Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, but then why is the BMAH even brought up. You could just say “Yo, have a vendor with items that you buy with a valor like currency you gain from various content.”

But if there’s a bid system, then the no life wins everything, same way gold tycoon do now.

If there’s none, then you just killed the rarity of an item that’s meant to be unobtainable through other means.

Personally my biggest problem with the bmah are “dud days”. like days where you go there and its just an argent tourney pet and an ordos items. I think they need to find a way to make it so theres at least 1 mount or toy a day at minimum.

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I see what you mean, I only suggest the BMAH as this currently is the only place these items are found. To me it just made sense.

Remove All Mist of Pandaria Items > ALL OF THEM Including the patterns None of these items need be Here and honestly the fact they are still on the BMAH shows how little anyone in charge cares about it.

Remove pets of green quality that are easily purchased from vendors and only have TCG and Rare to super rare as in low drop chance Pets available.

Bring in on Armor sets (Like the Pre Launch Sets From Wrath of the lich King the ones with the Judgement recolor and other tier 2 and or 3 I am not sure which ones you did do I just remember asmongold getting his full set mailed to him) And any other armor Sets now Unobtainable ( Since you put Recruit a Friend Rewards on the Trading Post I see no reason to why Elite Gladiator Sets aren’t on the BMAH as in not a single Piece of a set I meant the Full set turned into a cosmetic Package like the Trading Post onees Seems only fair since people who helped other people or themselves by paying and levelling 2 accounts or more and help actual friends by doing Recruit A Friend Legit only for you to put 2 or 3 of them on the Trading Post for anybody to get them because FOMO then MY FOMO is not having access to every Single Gladiator Elite Armor Set and Every Gladiator Mount which in the context I am presenting *Sarcasm included should be an option for the BMAH.

Same as the Armor add in Unobtainable or Rare Weapon Appearances Create new Weapon Illusions (Black Temple Mobs near the end before the second to last boss is a Prime Example of an Illusion PLayers would pay handsomely for, There are plenty of variants in TBC to also select fro. Since you wont Nerf Spine of Deathwing how about adding his Weapon Models of all Colour Variants (Or Just Make Spine of Deathwing an Option to skip if one Chooses like how we can skip all of SoO to Garrosh, Add a skip option to the NPC on the airship to skip or add an npc or item to click on at the beginning of the raid just like SoO done dusted rogues get daggers done people get mounts and weapon mogs gg).

Mounts can be updated with BFA Dungeon mounts, Mounts from the Invasion areas like Vale and Uldum,Same for Shadowlands Mounts.

Titles New or Old *Very iffy on that one I will let you decide that ones fate,

More Toy Options from In game any rare to super rare ones Achievement based ones etc. Same goes for items that are achievement linked *For example I am only Missing the Rain Stone from Zesqua Rare on Timeless Isle and have constantly farmed it well over a year and prior to that on and off since MoP and have yet to get it. Prior to that i had to get the Toy of Jakur Of Ordon and that also was a Chore so Either Buff the drop rates of those Items or add them Buff would be better.

These Sort of things are what Should be done That or just simply Remove the BMAH for good. Trading Post has more potential and if You yes You Blizzard added Traders Tender to the Store (This is with no BMAH) And dissolved the BMAH and put all the suggestions above and all current sought after and rare items on the Trading post and stop doing boring Recolors of Weapons and Armors that quite frankly are an eyesore and fo me atleast will never be purchased . New additions of what you already have in game just compiled better would work

Tier 3 Sets (This Going to Trigger so many selfish people) I honestly do not understand the logic behind Addng Tier 3 in the way you did last year. You made it more impossible by doing it that way instead of Just Compling every Tier 3 set into a single mog armor Set and Putting them Up rarely as in maybe 1 per 4 months on the BMAH or even 6 months and make that armor set cost like 20k or 30k Traders Tender maybe even more if you made Traders Tender a purchaseable item on your Store *Set the amount to buy and the cost appropriately as to be fair for people buying with money and people dumping a lot of gold into tokens to do the same then I would be less infuriated by the Original Decision, Seeing as the Original Decision Relied on a Great level of Patience and RNG and I’d say a solid 2-4 years maybe longer of constant farming of the 2 dungeons and 1 raid Saving up all the tokens and reagents and then go about buying and hoping to get all 9 sets of Lamented Gear Or Be ready to dump roughly 10k$ at the High end on Realm Transfers and WoW Tokens to buy every single Lamented item needed off the BMAH’s from the servers you have hopppedtoo then send that character back to your main realm and with your remaining Money buy tokens to afford the rediculous cost of Phylacterweave which only got 1 change and that was to be Bind on Account not a price reduction or drop rate increase.

If you want to remedy Tier 3 and I Highly Suggest you Do This is how you make your Initial Failure and Yes I cant Stress that to you enough FAILURE and people might call me crazy but those people cant comprehend what I just said above. So Blizzard if you can somehow find this (I will re remind you again in game via suggestions a half dozen times just in case) But please do the following for Tier 3 Fairness for those who are not going to go the Money Route

1.Make All elite Mobs in Naxxramas (Trash Mobs Duh) drop 1 Invader’s Scourgestone at a drop rate of your choosing Roughly 2-3 % no lower that is what I would do if I was you, Raid Bosses should drop up to 3 Corrupted Scourgestones so between 1-3 with maybe the same drop rate or slightly lower than the former. The quest hand in does not have to change as in the Exhange of the the white and green into the blue quality one but if it got upgraded to grant more than 1 Death’s Bargaining Chip to 2 or 3 per hand in but to counter the increase in drops of the other stones for these hand ins make the hand in for Bargaining chips be Higher so 20-30 per 3 Bargaining or something like that. No need to up the chances of Lamented Drops from gear. As far as Phylacterweave goes, Raid Bosses only SHould drop them at a 1-2% chance and drop up to a max of 2 or 3 which helps with the progress for those grinding out these sets.

If you can do the Above with some minor Adjustments for you piece of mind etc This would greatly increase favor with people like me who feel as if we got shafted by that Patch and we did I did Luck out and by 3 helms and out of those 3 helms i got the Plate helm and It is still sitting in my bank unconverted into Dreadnaught Helm Since paying 500k for the Phylacterweave is a gross overpayment since I can easily find a Dead Realmtake my level 50 warrior there with gold and maybe a couple of other throwaway alts with gold and buy the set cheaper. So making Phylacterweave a Raid boss only or even a super low Trash drop in Naxxramas and Maybe a low drop chance of Scholomance re release bosses and Stratholme bosses would be nice also since Phylacterweave is mainly the Big Issue with tier 3. If you Dropped the cost to 250g that is still expensive for most players but overall achieveale with time or if the person wants to spend money,

One Last thing you need to re introduce and that is the glorious machine called the Scrapper From BFA Why you failed to bring this perfect creation to the entire game where players can break down gear from every expansion and get Reagents from those expansions to make life a tiny bit easierfor crafters and people wanting to get professions from the older expansions easier Other than bloat of rare reagents I honestly see 0 issues with this being a game wide iimplementation as in a Scrapper Machine in Every Major City or Area for each Expansion so Orgrimmar,Shattrath,Dalaran *Both,Shrine of Two Moons and the Alliance one don’t remember its name,Warspear, Dazar’alor and Boralus,Oribos,Valdrakken and what is the main in The War Within. Aksi Expand the New Crafting orders and Crafting system to all Expansions also so you can have all items craft ordered from all expansions as long as its still in the game…

Consider what I have Written here as not just One persons Greedy Needs but as someone who is Looking out not just for themselves and to make there gaming experience in wow less of a Job in this case but for the community as a whole. And if you do Consider doing any of the Above Please do a Livestream or Something with an Apology and a Detailed announcement…

Thanks for taking the time to read this If you cant tell I am very addicted to this game mainly because its my 1 and only game for nearly 12 years. I just lwant some QoL changes done to benefit everyone not just myself I always put myself last in most situations but I am leaning more towards first position with these suggestions.

Its kind of a common drop though. Ive gotten half a dozen or so farming my naxx set

Longest necro message I have seen in a while. But yeah, BMAH offering stuff you can still easily get, or farm, is dumb and clog it from better more desirable items.

Well it’ll take you about a year to farm out 10mil right now just doing world stuff lol

What they should do is have items pop on a vendor on all realms at the same time. Then everybody with the gold can buy the item. The degenerate gameplay that the current BMAH requires for its use is bad for the game.