Update on trust level, please? c:

Hi there! I was directed to this forum and told that I might be able to get an update on my current trust level and what I need to reach level 3.

This will be my first time reaching 3 so I’m not sure what I need to get there :thinking: An update would be lovely. Hopefully, this is okay to ask for. Thank you so much for your time!

Here, have a taco :taco: :heart_decoration:

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No promises if you get a update, but they have been known to help out the stray soul from time to time if they aren’t too busy. I wish you luck in the morning in getting this info.


Looks like the only thing you are short is visits.

At about 45%

So, ya’ll come back now - ya hear?


Thanks for the list, I’ll save it for later :smiley: :taco:

That makes sense, I haven’t visited much the past few days haha Thank you for answer! :taco: :heart_decoration:


Orlyia, how much further do I have to go to regain TL3? Thank you in advance.

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Hair over 7k posts read to go.


How far before I can earn my TL3 back?

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Orlyia, may I ask, if trial accounts can get TL3?

If you get a silence, it’s typically 6 months from the last one, Ayukama.


Good question, Riyani - I don’t see anything in the stats about it, so likely.

Looks like you are just a handful of replies short.


I am still trying to work out if it is 6 months from when the silence starts or 6 months from when the silence ends…

I believe it is when it ends, but we can ask Vrak tomorrow. He’s much more versed on that system than I am. That may not be correct. Doesn’t actually give me a date.


I think he said he isn’t sure either on that one :dracthyr_shrug:

I guess I’ll just have to continue behaving and not get into trouble. My last one was 3 months, don’t want to get a 6 month.

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Behave Ayu or not tacos for you! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you very much!

I’ll brush up my English and try to participate a bit more activitely :slight_smile: