Update on the Battle for Ashenvale and Layers - 12/14/2023

I keep getting layered mid battle causing me to miss out on my rewards. It’s not just once - the most recent time I was bounced between 3 layers with the final one having the battle already completed.

here’s a crazy idea, lock layer changes once bosses have spawned. I was in a 2 man group when the bosses spawned. We dropped group to join a raid group for the bosses. When we dropped group we were sent to a layer where the bosses had just been killed. So after over an hour of pushing the % progress and killing alli we missed out on all objectives and the rep.

Yup! Reverted the FIX and caused this to happen again.

Greatly improved the game for 24 hours and dropped this bomb again.

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Greatly improved the game for 24 hours and dropped this bomb again.

I think you mean “greatly improved the stability of layering in ashenvale”.

Which is great, but it came at the expense of making every zone including ahsenvale feel super empty and dead at any time that wasnt peak. Making sure nobody misses out on their 500 rep for a round of the event just isn’t worth that.

That said, locking layers at least in ashenvale while the event in progress is probably a good idea to prevent people getting booted around layers mid event. It has also happened to me and it is annoying.

Amazing - thank you!

Please remove folks from Classic that suggest this…


I’ve only played classic. Even tho retail sucks, they didn’t get everything wrong.

still bugged beyond belief.

guys…they no longer care about this and have not offered any updates or fixes. This is teh event we have…warts and all. Sucks but it is what it is.

In a group of 5, 1 person has been stuck off the layer for 45 minutes now.

Cool. Great job reverting the change.

Which is expected, how it was in original WoW and how it should be now.

Had multiple games leaderboard reset but the lieutenants not respawn and the final bosses stay immune despite them all being dead. But now I just have to wait much longer for the games to bug out with these “fixes”.

Feels super cool that the wait is much longer and the event bugs out repeatedly. Back to back bugged events feels amazing guys.

Alternative to you stop scaling down, you could give players a 2 minute or 1 minute warning about a layering shift. That might better balance keeping layers feeling lively and players not having jarring unexpectedly bad playing experiences (especially in HC mode).

Great information. A fun read. Thanks for the transparency.

are you guys testing tonight? it seems layers are staying active and its making the event take way too long to start again.

hey no one gives a crap about Ashenvale, theyre literally just farming it for Rep to get gear or AFKing in town. Fix BGs please, people shouldn’t be able to Premade with a Raid full of no lifers and ruin games for people that just wanna have some challenging but fun games while they are on.

so we are at 6 days after this post, when is this happening…?

Ashenvale is a ghost town. Layering is killing my motive to even try to do it anymore. It’s not faction balanced. 2 full Horde raids killing 20 alliance players on a boss. I don’t want to be negative but the simple fix would be ONE layer ONLY. Ashenvale is a ghost town when you have more than 2 layers. I was on layer 9 and was only able to find 20 people for Lumber Mill boss and guess what the Alliance killed 0 BOSSES while multiple horde raids walked all over ashenvale. The faction balancing for each layer is not there.

Also, IT TAKES FOREVER for an event to start. Every 2 hours is becoming the normal time when it’s ready on an average.

what weird about layers in this zone is horde wins 99% of the time on layer 4 and alliance wins 99% of layer 1, so I dont know if alliance is “odd layer” and horde is even layer on wins. But if you score those layers as that faction, you will never see the other faction even engaging the mini bosses

what they should do, it grab 40 people from each faction when it hits 100% and put them into a battle ground instance. Remove the layers completely

Aggrend is there any chance to for considering allowing Revered to Exalted in the Battle for Ashenvale? Breathes more life into the event and allows people a choice to escape the premade dramas in Warsong Gulch.