Update on the Battle for Ashenvale and Layers - 12/14/2023

Meanwhile yesterday was the best day SoM had in terms of layering and population.

Reverting this was the wrong move.

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wrong opinion, they absolutely needed to revert this


yeah dont listen to this clown. He has no idea what he’s talking about. When the difference is 15% (which is a TON) there is definitely faction imbalance in the event going on.

Thank you for this. The counter is speeding along quickly now. Get back in here boys

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This. lesssssgo
sick of premades


World feels alive again, ashen battles have been fun today and the timer is moving at an at least acceptable rate, all in all much better today than the last few days have been.

Thank you for the quick revert.


maybe at peak, off hours the game was a ghost town and the event was popping every 4-6 hours… reverting the layering change was 100% the correct move.


On one hand, the revert is great in my eyes because that means bots can’t just get free layers to hide/thrive in.
But there’s no way the problem doesn’t just come right back with layers overloading and we’re back to where we started.

Thank you, I only have time to play late at night on weekends and yesterday was terrible for trying to do Ashenvale. The solution was worse than the sporadic layering problem so good job reverting it.


Thank you I appreciate the immediate fix and listening to feedback.

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Excellent decision. Blizzard’s ability to consistently and quickly respond to issues as they arise - whether that be bugs, balance issues, or inadvertent missteps (such as getting rid of the layer spindown), is impressive.

Can we get rep past revered please?


Great reverse, thank you!

BG Solo Queue when? Premades are killing the casual player experience.


Yes! Now I can log on at 6 am on a Monday or 9pm on a Friday and that escort quest will still be camped by three groups! The world feels so alive.


TY! Some of the comments are wild. Appreciate all the quick fixes.

Appreciate it. Having the event bug out with quicker matches is more fun than the current tradeoffs with the world and the time for the event to spawn. As others have requested, please raise the rep cap so us familyless people can grind it out over the holidays. Devs can take a well earned holiday and in early Jan when people start to come back from the break, you all can get back at exploring event options?

Loving SoD even with the rough edges, and Happy Holidays to you and your team

Great change, i would much rather the event bug out a bit then have the world feel as dead as it did. Looking forward to more substantial changes to ashenvale to help alleviate the layering issue.

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Just got layered when we were about win the event. Wasted 30 minutes of my time. Got nothing.

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bugged event is actually so much better than it happening every 5-9 hours.

tytyty <3