It’s been 4 months for a .5 patch. What is the holdup? The devs do know that their game is it in a very good spot right now right?
They probably want to line it up with FF’s expansion. We also cap renown next week.
It’ll likely be in November.
Which means a 9.2 probably won’t be out until March next year.
Try more like May.
So what you’re saying is Blizzard is so arrogant that they think a contentless patch is going to be able to compete with an entire expansion pack made by people that actually care. It certainly has not worked for blizzard so far.
I doubt they think it’ll compete. But it might help prevent a mass exodus.
Imagine getting this worked up lol
Imagine being a placid sheep with no self-respect as a consumer.
My guess would be first week of November; close enough to the release of Endwalker, but not so close as to be completely overshadowed by it.
Nov will be the release and it has nothing to do with FF.
Oh here we go it’s one of those “you’re a sheep” folks.
Imagine defending a multi-billion dollar corporation that could be hiring much more competent people.
I missed the part where I defended any corporation. Reading comprehension 101
renown cap next week…my guess 2 weeks after the cap so that would be NoV 2nd
They have always been on the slow side but they’ve been so behind schedule for so long now, it’s hard to imagine them ever being caught up.
Try 4 or 5 weeks and you got the right answer. They are 100% timing 9.1.5 for the Endwalker expansion release.
They pushed Legion TW back to December I heard so my guess is soon.
And like I said before if they’re targeting it for in endWalker’s release they’re going to have a very bad time a middling .5 patch will not be able to compete with a fully fledged expansion made by a Dev team that cares.
Blizzard devs don’t come to your job and tell you to rush your work
So why try to rush theirs? They all work at home so let them release it when it’s ready
We can easily predict it. Patch PTRs usually always last two months, more or less. It should be out within 2-3 weeks. Nearly guaranteed.
They rarely announce dates for patches far in advance, it’s not revealed till the last minute. That’s how WoW’s always been.
They fell way behind on SL and admitted as such. They’re trying to catch up. Players being impatient and griping isn’t helping.
Because we’re paying customers and four months for a patch is quite frankly terrible if it was up to me I would fire the entire lot and replace all of them. Awesome move My headquarters out of California since they’re incapable of work it seems.