Update on 9.1.5 release?

They fell well behind because it’s quite frankly they lack leadership and are completely incompetent at doing their job. 4 months is pathetic for a multi-billion dollar company. The only thing I can chalk this up to is one morels very low or two they are completely incompetent I’m saying it’s number two.

That’s why we are getting so many customization options, the ripcord being pulled. Solo island expeditions, solo mythic antorus, tons of feedback being listened to and implemented.

They knew exactly when Endwalker was releasing and they knew they had time to do all this. They are throwing everything they can at us this is full damage control mode. Most of their resources are being put into 10.0 and 9.2 at this point we have barely seen anything new announced in weeks. They are just timing this all to get the mage tower tested next week or the week after that and have 9.1.5 drop on Nov. 16 or 23.

They can’t get 9.2 ready for Endwalker and so many people have quit recently so they are pulling the ripcord and doing everything they can to make people happy for 9.1.5 so they don’t lose even more people for Endwalker. Plus you get 2 or 3 weeks from 9.1.5 release before Legion Timewalking so a lot of people will have time to enjoy the Endwalker story and come back to get their mage tower done during the timewalking 2 week event.

That long??

If I have to suffer through Halloween, then everyone will! No candy this year! All children coming to my door will get a flash drive with Bellular on it! (or candy corn if I run out)

The problem here is what work? The only changes that have been made on the PTR in weeks have been more censoring of dialog. We’re reaching the point where Legion TW was announced months ago and we still don’t have a testable version on content that consists of entirely completed assests.

God why would you torture the kids like that that’s like loading a flash drive with nothing but the quartering on it

Ok fine, I will put Hazelnuttygames on there too.

unless that can be proved im going with Nov 2nd lol

I will hilariously quote you on that and rehydrate myself with your sodium to balance my water and salt levels.

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It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a dam burst is not going to help them that much. The only thing that will fix it is readdressing class balance and going back to the drawing board Shadow Lands is an abject failure. Doesn’t matter when you pull the rip cord if you’re only a couple of feet away from the ground

It’ll probably do a fairly good job of it.

FF end game doesn’t compare with WoW at all. WoW is pretty much THE game for end game, and it’s a bit of leveling slog to get through that content. So the folks who are going to want to do end game will… rotate back into WoW for a bump in subs for a month or so to keep things afloat until 9.2.

accepted lol


They have literally been rebalancing classes. Necrolord hunters are getting a nice buff. Necrolord druids are getting a nice buff. Neglected covenants are getting buffed. The ripcord is getting pulled. Feedback is getting implemented. I know you are unhappy with the game but that doesn’t change 9.1.5 or how radically different it is from any other .1.5 patch we’ve ever had. We get Legion mythic+ AND Legion Mage Tower challenges. It’s happening.

And it’s coming on November 16th or 23rd.

i think you owe me a little bit of a …im sorry and you were right on 9.1.5 release date NOV 2nd lol its offical and i called this out a week ago maybe 2 on the forums and 3 weeks ago in game…renown 80 this week 2 weeks later ( tuesday Nv 2nd patch day) and here we are :slight_smile:

see above quote…you’re wrong :slight_smile:

It’s strange. Forum says you’re quoting me. But this forums been broken for years. The real question is how long will it take to release 9.2. 7 months for 9.1. 4 to 5 for 9.1.5. can the game survive until June at this rate?

Well you may need to find a different source of “sodium” because he was dead on with that date :slight_smile:

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I still stand behind my logic. They have always tried to undercut FFXIV on release dates and honestly I still think my prediction makes more sense.

Instead we got 24 hours of testing. I didn’t even get a chance to test mage tower because it was so short but I can’t see 24 hours being optimal or better than 2 weeks of testing and feedback.

So ya, November 2. That’s an interesting choice. I guess that lines up mage tower and legion timewalking mythic+ with… the big new raid in Endwalker? I dunno if they are even trying to compete at this point but the Endwalker raid isn’t going anywhere so the whole thing just seems weird.

That and the BlizzConline cancelled today just really makes me think that things are still a complete disaster at Blizzard and this game really isn’t getting what it deserves anytime soon.

Oh and the new hunter root nerf which don’t make any sense to me unless they are still mostly focused on designing the game around the top 0.001% of players, that would make sense to nerf that I guess. The new leader spending more time on boosting players for gold than blizzcon is really the cherry on top that says everything you need to know about the state of this game.

Dude, just accept you were wrong and move on… Some times you just need to know when to put down the shovel.

just ignore every major FFXIV patch blizzard has undercut with a deliberately timed patch release dude.

I’m not denying anything Im just saying that the logic still stands. Ignore everything else I said too I guess.