Update MM can keep their pet

Next ptr build will have a choice node that lets marksman keep their traditional pet.


I just saw that and I am so happy!


I’m glad to hear it, hopefully they can fix mm’s rotation issues next


Thank gourd. And they even managed to still have the new arrangements to satisfy the sweaties. Imagine that!

I am pleased with this, it is a good move.


Hopefully they also move Wailing Arrow to the Dark Ranger tree and turn Dark Ranger’s eagle into a crow or undead eagle or something thematic.


I just saw and their solution is more than I’d have been happy with.

10/10 won’t ever complain blizzard don’t listen again.



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Greetings, hunters.

We appreciate your continued feedback on the Undermine(d) Marksmanship update. We recognize that there is a community of Marksmanship Hunters who wish to retain access to their pets. While Marksmanship’s unique Eagle pet will continue to be the source of their pet utility, such as Master’s Call, Bloodlust, and similar effects, we think it is only right that Marksmanship Hunters be able to continue to traverse Azeroth with their beloved companions.

In our next PTR build, there will be a choice node on Improved Spotter’s Mark called “Unbreakable Bond” that restores Call Pet and associated pet functionalities such as Mend Pet, Dismiss Pet, etc. Additionally, this talent will improve the durability and damage output of your pet to better compensate for the potential throughput loss.

Thank you for your continued feedback and commitment to the Hunter class, and we’ll see you in Undermine(d).


HUGE sigh of relief. Hope they do just this.


It’s amazing how many times Blizzard has to repeatedly try to remove pets to receive the same feedback.


Technically they did remove them, you have to spend a talent point to get them back instead of the reverse. Honestly, that works for me.


I think most hunters would have been fine having to re-talent into having their pet in MM, because it still gave players the option of having the pet vs blizz just going “lmao we’re removing it, bend over and accept it.”


That’s excellent news!

All they need to do is give flying animations to birds and insects that are showing that they can fly in the world.

Honestly the a bird, beetle and fly show walking is silly and a bit depressing.


Yep I’m completely fine with this solution and very happy.


back to being balanced in solo pve content around being able to have a pet tank and spank all content. They wont need to make sure the base kit has what it needs to deal with it now that its all about a pet.

Big grats to all the people that love the boring pet tank and spank gameplay in solo content.


Havn’t all of your side spent the last month telling the pro pet people that MM has everything it needs to run petless? If they couldn’t ‘get gud’ for things like delvs they should just suck it up and go BM?

Now that they get a choice back it hurts you though?

You can still run birdy. You’re goina have the exact same tools you were already going to have with this change. They retained something that’s been there for 2 decades, you lost nothing.


So this would be my favorite thing for them to do. Is to revamp mm to be Sylvanas like archer and give us a 4th spec that is all shadow damage like Alleria windrunner

This - its amusing to watch them pivot away from “Youre bad, we dont need pets, everything is easy without them” to “OMG now we are going to be bad without pets forever as we are balanced around pets and need them”.

Schroedingers Pets - They are both required and not required until someone makes an argument you dont like then its whichever provides the argument against them.


I called that at least some of the anti-pets were going to act like this if blizzard went back on it and warned them not to count their chickens before they hatched, glad to see i was right on both accounts lmao. I love that their complaints are complete nonsense too because blizz has made very clear that pet is sub optimal and all the things they wanted they got anyways.


Great so they fixed the lust issue for MM hunters who don’t want to run a pet and for those who do want the option of having a pet, but are completely ignoring the problems that having to run a lust pet has for BM. At least before the nerf to leech running a lust pet over spirit beast wasn’t as big of a defense loss, but after not having fortitude of the bear and the extra 5% max ho hurts our survivability a lot. The eagle pet for lust should be a baseline hunter talent for all specs this would solve the issues for MM and BM.

Right. Frankly, all it’s making them look like is a bunch of bullies who are angry that the “victims” didn’t lose something.

It’s not a good look.