Sylvannas went to melee often, tho and Alleria also used her bow as a staff.
Neither really fits the “ranged only” style they wanted to emulate.
Sylvannas went to melee often, tho and Alleria also used her bow as a staff.
Neither really fits the “ranged only” style they wanted to emulate.
This is fair, at the very least make lust baseline for everyone or at least make having ANY pet out give you access to lust for BM - sure you have a pet out all the time anyway but having it tied to a specific pet type restricts things and is just the MM Lust Problem Lite.
If this stays, I will keep my account active and maybe even get this expansion. This is for sure good news. I just want everyone to beware when we complained back and legion about our pets being taken away blizz really made MM crap. Keep vocal if with what we want to see to make MM good
Bad change. I hope MM winds up bottom of the barrel now and insta declined for all content in patch 11.1. I was going to try it but now I’m embarrassed to even play my hunter
Now you’re just asking for too much.
agreed. i would take a 20% damage loss just to have a pet as mm in the open world, delves and just solo. i never use a pet in raid or m+ but that is only about 5-10% of my platime. the other 90-95% of my playtime is everything else, and my pet is right there getting all my threat dumped onto him lol.
If blizzard wants this bird thing to take off they need to add new animations for it, particularly idle animations where it perches on your character or near it somehow. They also need to make the bird have a customizable appearance. There could be quests for new appearances akin to warlock pets.
I went to do some overworld rares yesterday that seemed like they were tuned for a small group. Solo’d them, mostly without issue, but it took 5 minutes of dps. There is no bloody way a petless MM could have done the same. My bear was taking chunk health and needed constant Mends, Exhils, and DRs, and one revive. My own hunter could never survive that much damage to the face, not with any of the proposed defensive nodes, not with optimal defensive play. The area was littered with elites, there was no kiting to be done without agroing adds (which I neded up doing anyways) and eventually hitting the leash reset.
This compromise is necessary. They would have bent the Hunter class tree into a pretzel to accommodate a true petless MM; it’d be a nightmare to balance around every form of content. They won’t have to consider if the Marks is lacking tools to do end-game Delves, or if their tailored defensives are too strong compared to BM while unburdening themselves of pet management.
This was also a potential rift in the community that would wrack hunter discussion for years to come, and I’m glad they averted that. We can heal, move on, and get to less controversial debates, like addressing the lumps in the new rotation.
Not exactly how I would implement the compromise, but I’m glad Blizzard listened and found a way to accommodate my preferences. Thanks, Blizz.
Sounds like you need to play BM, why play MM if you want pet to do all the work?
It honestly makes me want to quit being a hunter, however I guess I will test the new ptr build whenever it shows up
Pets are tanks. I am the gunner. My tools are Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, and Rapid Fire. My bear Growls and holds agro. The work is split. I enjoy this setup.
It’s insulting and reductive to expect players to move off a spec they enjoy and have been faithful to for years for the sake of forcing a change.
Basically, go play FF14. They have the Archer class you’re looking for.
We hunters used to have more then a bow, but it got too hard for the likes of Ion to handle balancing
Stat stick weapons for hunters sucked – either someone who could really use the weapon didn’t get it, or you the hunter had to wait until everyone else in your raid group got the weapon they needed. Losing 80% of your dps when there was a mechanic that required you to stack on the tank sucked. The move to abandon melee weapon slots for all but melee SV was an excellent idea all around.
If it’s just for RP purposes, nobody’s stopping you from equipping dual one-handed weapons as a hunter. You can even make a macro to swap your bow or polearm/staff in when you get into a fight.
Lmao. Love to see it
Obvious troll is obvious. Weak bait.
I’m really happy you got your pets back. Sincerely. I do worry about what this means for the spec going forward. Not having to balance things around a pet was something I was personally excited for. Not sure where this leaves the spec now. Def going to be interesting.
Blizzard is not balancing around the pet as it’s a option. MM will be pet-less unless you actively use a talent point to activate your pet.
The main focus is still on being pet-less with a npc eagle adding utility. Using a pet will likely be a dps loss and only used for quest, leveling and delves. Pets will not be designed for high-end content.
The pet will just be a sub optimal always balanced lower optional choice. There wont be any balance concerns with it and anyone who wants to play without a pet would be completely unaffected by this change as will any changes in the future.
As long as its always sub optimal DPS and has no utility locked behind it, having it as an option will never cause a balance or play style issue.
They were never gonna give mm more kiting tools
They don’t want hunters to be the kings of kiting anymore thats mages job
And kiting is not supported in the kind of encounter design where pets shine. They would have to rework all the delves and zones to support it to the level it would be needed - and in doing so, need to rebuild the other two hunter classes and mages.