Was it Conquest gear converted to Tier by any chance?
PvP for outside fight.
PvE for dungeons fight with monsters
Nope, just normal conquest gear (non tier)
Is pvp that thing where players attack each other instead of completing content? I didn’t know they got gear from that, very cool.
Apply. You seem like the Orc with the answers.
The elite gear you can get with the emerald mark of mastery appears to be “hero” quality now. Not sure if that is a bug.
Hey Kaivax, hearing bunch of people with a fix for the existing gear - but my hunter is still stuck on 8/8 veteran (my alts are now ok). Do I need to remain logged or something?
By champion track, do they just mean conquest gear?
Is yours Tier?
I have a Tier PvP piece that’s still stuck on Veteran and perhaps they haven’t gotten to the Tier pieces yet?
My PvP shield that I bought last week changed to Champion track but the PvP legs I bought and converted to tier is still on Veteran track… hopefully they fix it but fully expect to be dissappointed as usual.
Could the conquest-level world PvP gear go on the Champion track too? Seems a little unfair that rated PvP players will have a 13 PvE ilevel advantage over world PvP players when doing PvE content in the open world, even though the world PvP players are using gear that’s literally designed for war mode…
Alright cool, not just me with the veteran tier piece then. Perhaps that’s one of the parts of their fix they’re working on.
They’re working it according to tonight’s hotfixes:
So……. When is this effective? My shoulder tier set from week one are still veteran 463.
Seems to be effective already, all of my conquest tier is on the champion/hero track on all of my chars
What am I missing here?
It sounds like: If you want a super easy path to gear up for PvE … then… PvP!
Which… shouldn’t be a thing.
I’m fine with giving PvPers some sort of path to PvE gear, so they are not be excluded from the rest of the game. But PvP shouldn’t provide a superior path to gear for PvE, just as PvE shouldn’t provide a superior path to PvP gear.
The two are different things.
But since I gave up on the overwhelming dumpster fire that is PvP in this game a LONG time ago, maybe I’m just reading this wrong.
It’s PvPers with honor gear who are being treated as second class citizens.
You don’t seem to be aware that players actually have to do a lot of rated PvP to earn that gear.
Uhhh… I know I’m a little late here, but this sucks so hard. If this is some awful attempt at being “fair” then I hope the currency they use to upgrade raid gear is conquest… I love how PVE’rs get to choose to ignore PVP because they don’t like to play unless they can read exactly what their opponent is going to do next while still fully upgrading top gear, but now PVP’rs are forced to sit through god awful raid waiting and the exact PVE hell I’m avoiding by doing PVP just to upgrade the gear that I waited for, worked hard to acquire, and then worked harder to earn the rating to upgrade it!? Sweet… Seems fair.
You don’t need to upgrade gear for PvP, only for PvE.
It was the greatest change they’ve ever made to the game.
Now, just by being good at PvP I can get heroic raid ilevel gear in PvE.
PvErs, OTOH, will need mythic raid gear to be on par.
So it’s the “greatest change ever” that PVErs get to use conquest gear as a way to get an easier starting point to continue raiding, but PVPrs don’t get to upgrade their gear, or have anything to play for or work towards short of gladiator titles and mounts. So since I’m not a scrub but not an elite PVP player I can only get myself fully geared with conquest gear and then… my rating doesn’t matter? My gear will never get any better? All of the discussion I have found on this is PVE people loving the obvious positives and sub 1000 scrubs also happy about the potential positive PVE implications for them. The problem is that this change completely destroys any desire to play PVP after you’re fully geared, unless you’re elite pvp. And even then!! So top rated PVP players are supposed to sit in 450ilvl gear unless they spend half their time raiding, but average af PVErs get to upgrade the conquest gear just by wasting enough time to get a currency completely unrelated to the gear itself.