Update Coming to Gear from Rated PvP

No, you can do battlegrounds to earn honor, and upgrade that gear until you’re ready for arena.

Now maybe you can sit down and Tune classes properly

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[Emphasis mine]

Bruh, I’ve had someone in full PvP gear queue up for an instance, proceed to try to LoS something that’s not LoS-able, then blame the healer and ragequit the group when they inevitably get oneshot by the thing they were trying to LoS.

This was someone in FULL GLADIATOR LEVEL GEAR to boot.

You seem to be confusing knowing fight-specific mechanics with talent. Do you think a gladiator, after he realizes which boss abilities he can LoS, will LoS? Of course he would.

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My current Conquest gears are still on Veteran track, but I can see that the vendor is selling the new piece on Champion track.


Same, my PVP tier that I obtained before today is still showing Veteran, but the PVP gear on the conquest vendor and in my vault is champion. Is this intentional or will there be a hotfix to make already aquired PVP tier on the champion track?


Same here. Verdant Gladiator’s Pendant and Band purchased last week are still 8/8 Veteran. Hoping this gets hotfixed as the Blue post said old gear would be moved up.


Same here, all of my currently owned Conquest gear is still on veteran track with the vendor showing champion track


“If this was WSG I would be dunking all over you, shrub!!”

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The conquest weapon I purchased last week did not upgrade to champion track.

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i was hoping to upgrade my pvp chest to tier but is still on veteran level

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hot fix when?

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This fix-up is quite complex and will be done in multiple parts. The first part was preventing more Veteran gear from going out, which allows us to focus on a fixed set of items and affected players.

Only the first part of the fix has been accomplished. The rest will be coming soon.

Thank you for your patience!


I have a Veteran Helm with a Socket in it, the socket shouldn’t be removed when it’s fixed correct?

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Not worth upgrading with flight stones. Or even with honor since it only helps upgrading pvp gear for pve. PvP will always have the highest stats/iLvl it needs to in instanced pvp

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Why wasn’t this issue addressed in the original announcement? Logging in today just to learn the gear already earned hasn’t been updated is once again, a slap in the face to PvP players who started week 1 of season 3.

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Great change. Thanks for the heads up, Chimes. Its appreciated.

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Their snide comments will still crit and not consider your amor.

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Hey Kaivax,

It seems like my gear is now on the Champion track, thanks!


Ah yes, it must be done in phases because creating a proper database update script, that would catch any character with said geear, is too much work.

Imagine being a billion dollar company, not hiring an actual experienced db team, and instead just having a bunch script kiddies that can only tweak/modify existing code.