Upcoming video games you're hyped for?

FF7 Rebirth Q1 2024.

Touhou Project 19.


Nothing really. The future looks bleak.

I might check out BG3, see what the hype is (never played the first two though.)

Armored Core VI.

Loved fromsoft games before the dark souls rabid crowd came along and started comparing everything under the damn sun to that game series. All the while calling themselves long time fans. Most I saw were completely blindsided that something else coming from their favorite studio.

Like right now I got the ac2+aa, and ac3+sl game menu music playing in my head for the past few hours.

Armored Core VI. Finally, From Software hasn’t totally forgotten about us and stopped chasing that Souls cashcow for a minute.

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Hoping Starfield lives up to hype. In the meantime I’ve been revisiting DBZ Kakarot on PC modded up.

Homeworld 3, but it’s not coming out this year.

idk if it’s “Upcoming” because who knows when but I’m ready to drop WoW for Ashes of Creation unless WoW can get their crap together.

Absolutely none of them

One of them just went to retail release (Baldur’s Gate 3)

Next one for me is Starfield

I’m exclusively a PC gamer right now, though every six months or so I get the urge to buy a ps5.

Haven’t actually done it yet though.



I’ve been so busy with everything else, my primary chr is only lv17. And I only have that ONE character! lol

I fall out in hysterics when people complain there’s “nothing to do in WoW”, when I am so overloaded between WoW and real life … I still haven’t really had a chance to play a game I paid for early access for … 2 months ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

y’all need more/better hobbies. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dooo it. Final Fantasy 16 is amazing

Take my opinion with the smallest grain of salt.

I tired the early access on Steam. BG3 can be run on the Mac, which is what I have, so I decided to try it out.

It’s $60 and Steam offers a “no questions asked” refund policy in the first 2 hours of play, so that was a real pressure on my experience.

I played it for a bit over an hour, but managed to get my party slaughtered trying to kill some big bad guy at a point where I think I was about to get out of the starting area. In hindsight, I guess I wasn’t supposed to take on the bad guy. In a “what were you thinking trying to take on the bad guy” way.

But, hey, I’m new, and, honestly, I think there was only one or two quite trivial combat events to this point. And, hey, it’s an RPG, and Rule 1 in most RPGs, in most situations (though certainly not all), is “Kill it!”. But he was, again in hindsight, way too strong, and my party was dead.

Getting to this point I found to be mostly frustrating. In one room I was already on the internet trying to figure out how to get out of it. Turns out I wasn’t clicking at the very top of the screen in a dark corner which was, apparently, an exit, but didn’t look particularly different from anything else.

The game is supposed to be about 170 hours long, and all I saw was 170 hours of frustration. The pace was slow, the RP was slow, my character never “says” anything (I click on things to say, but the toon just stands there like a deaf mute). The constrained, isometric camera didn’t help (especially when in one section something was blocking my view). Maybe there’s a better camera control.

Simply my early experience was disappointing and there wasn’t much indication that it was going to get much better going forward, and just be more aggravation than joy for me, and I didn’t want to get stuck with another unplayed “epic” game on my drive that I learned I simply didn’t like beyond the refund period.

So I sent it back.


Dawntrail. Looking forward to the new class announcements and seeing where the MSQ will go.

Not hyped but I want to see more of Starfield and how moddable it is

Starfield and Space Marine 2 are the ones I’m most looking forward to.

Basically only Starfield. I usually enjoy Bugthesda’s open world games.

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Definitely! Rust is really the only thing that stood the test of time, aside from Minecraft. There are a few smaller games that aren’t horrible, but nothing I’d sink hours into. My friends and I played H1Z1 for hours, and Ark was the same