Upcoming Tank Tuning - March 30

That’d depend on which boss it’s facing. In about the same places, say, Prot Warriors could out-niche VDH, you’ll actually see that gap tighten in VDH’s favor, no?

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Seems like, their intention is to reduce kiting and wording indicates the 10% buff is for every tank.

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the design flaw is not VDH’s, it’s that when you reach a certain level of +'s it doesnt matter what you play you’re going to get one shot by a mechanic. So in order to get around this, good players find ways to avoid these mechanics all together.

There’s two ways to do this. Mitigate the damage, or not be there. Only a couple tanks can do the latter on a consistent basis. That is the flaw. Not tank balance. VDH is one of the worst tanks for outright mitigation and CD’s. And now they make changes that have nothing to do with fixing the kiting meta. Terrible.

They could easily tinker with something like mob aggro when a tank exceeds a certain range and that would change the kiting meta completely, but no they do things like this which will have terrible results on balance.

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I don’t think they care about anything above +15 since +15 is the baseline requirement for upgrading valor gear to max level.

Anything above that is purely for the luls.

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Don’t care. Do PVP tuning.

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Yes it does and if you take five minutes to read the wowhead article it explains how defining 15% magic damage can be.

Sub 10 keys are not a deciding factor, any tank can survive those. It’s when you’re reaching 20’s that the extra 15% reduction turns a 2HKO for other tanks into a 3HKO for VDH.

I’ve had a VDH tanking in 5 out of 6 Mythic bosses, the spec is more than viable. The magic damage in raids isn’t as frequent or spiky as it is in M+.


building a man made of straw i see.

Issue is that this “fix” will do absolutely nothing overall. Trash damage is ridiculously high, so a 10% will address nothing, we will still need to kite like crazy regardless. Its baffling how some +15 and above trash mobs are hitting hader than mythic raid bosses, why did you tune it this high at all? We need a very large white attacks nerf to all dungeon trash (about 40%) and to also reduce tank dots by a similar degree (kiting works fine if its done on a few cases, not when its done 90% of the trash tanking).

If you don’t address it properly with large trash damage nerfs, then we are going to be forced to kite for the rest of the expac instead of properly tanking.

For all of its faults on BFA, i didn’t had to kite 24/7 on trash because you tuned damage to an absurd degree. Please do REAL fixes instead of this small bandaids that do absolutely nothing at all.


Are you… keeping your active mitigation up and using your cooldowns to prevent damage as it comes in vs after it’s happened? Because I barely need healing in a 15, and I’m a BDK.

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As someone who has tanked up to 18s, this assessment seems very alien to me.

Trash is dangerous but nowhere near what you are describing. A 10% reduction to our damage taken feels like more than enough to cope with it and smooth out the spikes that make huge damage intake difficult to heal through.

Of course i use mitigations and cds when i need to. Mind posting with your own blood dk? If i try to stand still on a HoA pull for too long, i get killed. And a lot of the SD trash is equally hard-hitting.

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This one? I don’t generally even have to kite in HOA - use your dancing rune weapon to drop bleed stacks.

You are a monk lol. You have better mitigations than most tanks not called demon hunter, and even then i dare you to tank and stand still on every trash pull on HoA. I wanna see how you do.

It’s good you acted so fast on this issue and the asking of the Valor vendors so quickly. But the frustrating thing is, when the PvP community asks for something it takes forever and gets ignored. For instance, took 2 xpacs to put PvP vendors back. The PvP community largely has been asking for a solo que system of some sort do to the horrible experience lfg creates for not just veteran players but especially new players. The barrier to entry is awful. Meanwhile, once again PvP participation is dropping, and we seemingly have a never ending season with no end in site. Be nice to see some balance in how quickly issues are addressed for other communities. I say all this with the understanding the PvE is the biggest draw to the game still.

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Last time i tried, i got destroyed. DRW doesn’t guarantee the bleed stacks to go away. I have a hard time believing what you say vs what i experience( Granted, i pug a lot but the healers i get are for the most part decent or good).

I have another 60 monk, a 60 paladin (arguably the squishiest tank), and a 60 druid that I tank on.

I kite occasionally on all of them, but not for more than 25% of trash uptime, give or take.

Hrm, I may try CTA satchel tanking again :thinking:

Well they are getting a 5% buff to physical damage reduction as well.

Also I am assuming this is across the board, not just in PvE?

I seriously feel like we are in beta with the high percentages of buffs, bugs, and nerfs going around. I hope the figure out the rest of the issues and patch.