Upcoming PTR for Chains of Domination

Yeah I know. I’ve been in the last few beta tests…

Same here :rofl:

Conga Line Starts here!

Can’t wait to see the buffs to mages and boomkins and nerfs to every other class that’s not an ‘e-sport/atena meta class’. I really just can not wait!


Back when they did layoffs in 2019? the document listed how many people were in each position, for QA they laid off like 10 people out of over a hundred listed.

Was that Blizzard Entertainment or Activision -Blizzard over all ? There is a difference.

Just blizzard ent.

Do they focus on all Blizzard games or is their a team of QA for each game ?

Pretty much how is the testing broken down in number of testers. Is it a large enough that there is really no need for alpha/beta/ptr testing or is it a small number that they need us to help test and if that is so why ignore people that are willing to test for free. We have no financial gain by doing it all we test for is to make sure once it goes live we are getting our :moneybag: worth .

Most of the job positions are listed as just “Associate Test Analyst” but there is lead for things like WoW and Classic in there.

Pretty sure Alpha/Beta/PTR are far more about stability and publicity than full on testing (though some feedback is acted on on occasion)

There was actually about 380 people left in QA after the layoffs, don’t know how many there is NOW but you can look at it all here if you want https://www.scribd.com/document/401389950/Blizzard-Entertainment-Inc-WARN?doc_id=401389950&order=531313977

do need a scribd free trial though., it starts around page 35

Let’s get out and murder some jerks in the maw!!! Cause that place needs some love, also yay for it being sooner than we expected I hope…

Blizzard: Please take your time on this, do it right.

Do not rush.

From my PoV playing since launch and original beta this has been my perspective.

Classic to TBC: Infighting on story and release timing (Y’all should have listened to Metzen)

TBC to Wrath: Y’all couldn’t figure out what a Z axis was.

Wrath to Cata: :V y’all still couldnt figure out Z axis and cut content

Cata to MoP: Hey MoP was good <3

WoD: …story = content and you cut 70% of the story… bro what!!!

Legion: :smiley: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! a few faults but LOVE YOU

BFA: …

Shadowlands: Please dear god you should have just taken your time and not launched early, so that being said take your time for 9.1

I love this game, i love this lore. So I hope the staff and devs get the point of TAKE YOUR TIME and most importantly the corporate people who thought it was a good idea to try and launch 1 expansion a year during WoD (I didnt forget) stop doing bad things and let your devs do their job and create happy things for the consumer <3 thank you!!!

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If people would just stick to providing feedback on the PTR forum to the patch changes the chance that the feedback will be seen and used will be greatly increased. Too many people use that forum as a means to push whatever discontent they have with the game with the result actually patch feedback is hard to find.

Can we revert drinking changes for pve? What on earth did it get implemented for. Timed content let’s make drinking slower! Why don’t we make auto attacks slower to while we’re at it.


Word of advice not to you, but the developers who work on this game. They can elaborate whatever info is valuable to their audience, but screwing up will just be viewed as another echo chamber. Nevertheless the audience is still eager to see the progress of this game. I just hope it’s nothing to frown upon again, but I won’t be surprised if it leads to that result.

Feedback is forever here or whatever social media outlet Blizzard wants to read it on. It’s literally up to Blizzard if they truly implement it properly without adding their twist into the works like some demon granting wishes.

You and millions of others. You’re not alone on this.

Players do and even Youtubers who promote this game. This all falls on the developers whether they wanna listen or not. Remember this is under Ion’s era and they’ve been a disappointment since WoD. Legion may have only been their best one only because they had outside help from GC.

Precisely. That’s always been their motto. If the concept doesn’t fit their image they ignore it. If it does they twist it to their version on how it should be done which always turns out to be bad.


Truly amazing how people talk about Blizzard being in an echo chamber when GD is literally just a giant echo chamber of people who are disillusioned about the game and passive-aggressively insult the dev team.


QA aint exactly “Beta testers”

QA=/=beta testers

QA is the teams that test the games before they release to the masses.

Their titles are literally “Test Analyst”, sure, they might not be “beta” testers

But they’re alpha testers, beta testers, ptr testers, pre alpha testers, pre pre everything testers. They’re the people who test every hotfix before it goes live.

They have no reason to pay outside testers, they have a huge inside team. And even if they did, you can’t really talk about it. I’ve done paid beta testing (Doom 2016)

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Very good news.

Thank you Blizzard. Hope this turns things around in terms of content. Other systems need a few fixes but there is very little content.

Have you actually looked at the PTR forums. Every time I look most people are using that forum to try to get developer attention to things they want changed in the game not to provide feedback on the specific patch changes.