Upcoming PTR for Chains of Domination

Sweet! They’re finally putting up the PTR!

… in about 2 weeks…

Any chance we can get a change list earlier so we can start evaluating what changes we need to test ahead of time?


Thank you Blizz but please take your time with releasing 9.1. Give mythic raiders who are still on progression a chance to fully clear this tier.

As Korthia is only an extension to the Maw Zone, hasn’t gotten a flyover at Blizzconline and a Psi/Warp Blade has been seen as a reward from the Broker Megadungeon… Could there be a major twist revealed in the PTR?..

Is StarCraft coming to WoW? Could the First Ones be the StarCraft Races with the First Born AKA the Protoss being the counterparts to Babylon 5’s First Born(who are the first First Ones)?

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I’m not fussed with the delay.

What I hope, in this patch, is that covenants are unlocked. Before Shadowlands I didn’t much care either way about them being locked and unlocked, but having changed once and now looking down the street where I’ll likely have to change again, I’d really appreciate if you could unlock them. It’s probably the thing I want most from this Xpac - just the ability to change from covenant to covenant depending on what content I am doing and what spec I am playing.


I hope we see some more iteration for epic battlegrounds alongside the honor talent review and hopefully a look towards fixing the large gear disparity present in bgs.

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I really hope that they do something to address the balance issues with Covenants. If you want to play at your best and try to do your best even if you aren’t a world first raider, your currently pigeon holed into one covenant. Something needs to change with covenants as it’s probably the worst part of the expansion so far, at least in my opinion it is. Maybe change them to be similar to talent choices so I don’t feel compelled to do the infinite grind for Anima if I choose to switch it up.


If only people had told them this before the expansion launched :roll_eyes:


if you play a night fae you already have gotten some of that.


Ret received so little attention throughout both the alpha and beta, that the class thread literally devolved into a jaded depression circle-jerk.

Also, Ret aura existing completely kills your argument.


my dude you dont have to play on the PTR.

seems like blizz knows it’s not ready but want to release it anyway to do damage control. I am expecting a long ptr or a retail patch full of bugs :smiley:

of course i dont have to, but this whole notion that the players (the people who pay the company) have to do the testing for the game for free because they want to fire actual paid testers is BS. Not sure why the public is not smart enough to see themselves getting used so badly by companies like this. Its not hard for a company to reward people for their work, nor is it such a hard concept for the player base to demand it as well.


Wow has never had paid testers… so idk why “fire them” is an idea.

Players love to play content early, so by letting them do so, and simply asking them to report any bugs they find, is a great way to help them improve the game, and let players have fun.

Literally have you not seen the amount of people on TBC beta?

People are not being used, they are having fun, playing the content early, and in the process helping the game get better.

Yeah right. How many times this is going to be written as true?

Really hoping this has major changes to the current state of the game. Shadowlands really does have great potential, please don’t turn this into another BFA.

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What does that even mean?

If it means “shift and evolve your initial product until it resonates with customers” then yeah, hell, I’m all for it. If it is the other meaning of “perform or utter repeatedly” then that would probably be closer to the mark. My optimist half hopes for the first, my pessimist worries about the second being true…

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I will do my best to test this and provide as much feedback as possible.

Blizzard has a QA team of well over 100 people, there’s paid testers for wow.

COuld be help us find bugs so that we will know if they are working as intended .

And they will do their best to ignore as much as possible :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Source ?