Upcoming PTR for Chains of Domination

Check my other post. Even a release in exactly 2 weeks with a typical PTR cycle would put release very close to July. Lot’s of unknowns. For them to launch in June means we have to all agree that their team is no longer behind and has returned to functioning on their typical development cycles. I’m not sure everyone agrees that’s true.

I wish I could believe you, but I ran the Beta gauntlet, was a prolific Beta poster, made many, many, many comments and suggestions and of all the things I posted about you listened to one thing.

  1. You added the barber shop icon to the mini-map I requested.


You will still re-tune the game to be nothing like what was tested. So why bother?


Hoping for some PvP gear changes to alleviate power gaps.


thats true

I have always found these kinds of assertions to be so naive and immature. Do you really think the dev team cares at all about whether their class (or their friends’ preferred classes) are buffed? That is not how the corporate environment works.

The tone-deafness you see about class balance is likely as a result of one of two possibilities 1) there are not enough people on the payroll to test and collate feedback properly (because the suits suck all of the resources out of the company for themselves) or 2) decisions about class buffs are made based on the business outcome they will generate (ie, how will it effect subs). The devs are just trying to make deadlines and keep their jobs and food on the table. Trust me, I guarantee they wish they could be concerned about such trivial things as buffing their preferred class.

Please Save MW. We are on the endangered list.

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Those affixes are fine. The drum change brought out more class diversity and there’s nothing wrong w the vault, you’re just unlucky.


They took a lot of feedback during the beta and implemented plenty of changes, iirc Ret was unplayable up until the last few beta updates.

People are really quick to forget 🤷🏻


In Blizz’s defense, once something hits the PTR they can’t easily redo certain stuff no matter what players say and how wrong they are.

For example, players saying they didn’t like covenants, period. By the time you’re in beta or the PTR you can prune around the edges but can’t go back to scratch.


What happens when you are told the same things in Alpha as the beta? Still too far along?


Thanks for the update Bornakk!

Excellent, I was looking forward to being able to submit more feedback and bug reports that promptly get ignored.


Can we get some more information regarding upcoming class balancing changes? I think that’s what everyone is wanting to know more than anything.

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What is the point of either then?

Thanks for the heads up. Looking forward to when 9.1 is released onto the Live Realms.

And ignored even more

True not much they can do in the PTR but a lot of stuff they were told about in the Beta was also stuff they were told in the Alpha and was ignored.

Blizzard’s words are “We want everyone to see it before we make any changes”

If that is the case then why bother with the testing stage and just release it as it is made. About half if not more of the reported bugs make it to live anyways.

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Bugs and fine tuning stuff.

The important decisions were made a year or more earlier and can’t easily be undone.

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You started to late to report the issues.

You need to be doing the beta for the previous xpac so that they know the problems you are having are for the following xpac so that they can have it fixed by 2 xpacs after you told them what the problem is .

In simple terms You need to leave yesterday in order to cross the street today in order to get there by tomorrow.


If you think affixes like tyrannical that break encounters is fine you need help.

There is nothing fine about affixes that break encounters or makes them stupid long on higher keys (tyrannical)

There is nothing fine about being constantly struck by tornados that constantly spawn when trying to position mobs, or getting knocked out of a soak (WOE) in say HOA and wiping the group…

There is nothing fine about killing mobs, then having to wait for spitefuls to be killed to use a transport in dungeons.

Damage/health modifiers should be based on the key level, not one added by the devs for no reason othern than to make certain mobs sponges (fortified) or anymore annoying to deal with especially with an AOE cap