Upcoming healer nerfs

i said this in the other thread.

My issue isn’t with the nerfs themselves. Them not nerfing a bunch of healers before buffing one into insane levels is something Blizzard can’t do apparently.

My issue is that the Season 4 PTR has been up for like a month, and they start the balance tuning a week before it launches.


It could be because they are taking into account PTR testing that lead to this issue.

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holy crap…really?
so you all have been playing assuming X and they swap it to Y at the last second.
I think we call that ‘dirty pool’ down home, lol

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Looking at all these changes and the amount of “overhealing” done on all the logs…I don’t think this is going to affect anything really.

You’ve got the correct mindset.


It won’t. At all.


But I’m going to go outside and cry “the sky is falling” anywho. I’ll be are be

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Wait disc got buffed?

Blizzard has a long history of doing this. It was either Mists or WoD beta (I forget which) but they dropped a bunch of nukes from orbit on tanks a couple weeks before the expansion launched. And not just numerical nerfs, I mean removing abilities and such.


Or it’s just taken this long to reign in the numbers that were needed to nerf by.
Mind you they retuned stuff based off our tier sets that were chosen
And now we’ve got to apply all of that plus our power gained (and that we will gain) to the new tier.

Yeah but that’s not what this is.

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You do know that most of the overhealing from logs comes from either

A)Healers sniping each other in Raid
B)Bad gameplay in M+

If you look at overhealing of ST abilities in M+ then you would see that it is actually extremely low.

A 13% heal nerf won’t affect the class at all? Blizzard should hire you.


The patch comes out next week.

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It wont effect a person’s ability to do the content. If most of your healing has over healing, now you will do almost the same amount of healing, and less wasteful healing.

Just logged on to check the couple of m+ I recently ran. For 21s-23s my healing surge over heal was around 10%. Healing Wave, Riptide were closer to 30% but they arent really single target heals in this scenario.

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As a holy paladin main, I didn’t realize we were 5-15% too weak


you wont notice 5%. if they said nothing you would be none the wiser

You will not do “almost the same amount of healing”

Saying that the nerfs are justified because of overhealing is dumb. Like I said, in M+ the amount of overhealing is extremely small when you actually play well. The 13% nerf means that you would need to cast extra globals which will DEFINITELY have an inpact.

Extra globals = “No affect at all.” ???



Community: Healing feels bad this xpac. Can you make the damage less spikey and give healers more agency rather than relying on others to be able to survive high damage peaks?
Blizzard: …
Theun: I think healing should be nerfed again because I think I know what balance is
Blizzard: Say less


I understand that. Doesn’t change what I said though. And these aren’t game breaking changes that where you’re going from number 1 slot by a long shot to dumpster fire tier.

They’re not gutting nor removing key components to classes. This isn’t that big of a deal

What are you considering “extremely” low? 30%??

Some of the best healers in the M+ world are overhealing on average of 50%. Are you saying they’re not playing well?

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Got a lot of faith Blizzard is not going to overnerf or overbuff a spec with last minute tuning…1 week before the season starts.

Which again is my problem. I don’t care about the nerfs. Tuning should be have starte when the season 4 PTR came out, not in random intervals during the Season.


To be fair, it’s a fated season with rehashed content. They already did some tuning as far as the tier sets were getting are concerned. Then you have to have time to let those numbers ride and see how it’s going to affect things going forward.

They said there wasn’t going to be much tuning needed. Most of it being based on bringing whatever tier sets got picked into line with our current power (or projected power i suppose).

Was also noted that not many devs were sitting behind on S4 as it is a Fated Season.

Faith has nothing to do with it. I take things at face value. Getting your hopes up one way or another is setting yourself up for disappointment. And like I mentioned, these aren’t ground breaking changes being made that alter the way you planned on playing.

Can you give me an example of “extremely small overhealing”? Which is considered playing well?

If I am over healing by 10% on single target heals, -5% healing will barely be noticeable.