Upcoming Content Unlocks for WoW Classic

When is next phase in April going to be released

Can’t give us an actual date on ZG and dragons of nightmare?

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So will any gear/mounts we acquire in wow classic. Be translated into transmog/rideable mounts in retail down the road ? Just curious especially with ZG coming soon !!! Super excited !!!

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I wouldn’t think so since it is separate platforms, and I believe some of the legacy mounts were removed from retail loot tables to preserve exclusivity

Yea, i just hit 60 and got 80% of my prebis lmao. They already talking aq :open_mouth:

Yo Blizz - give us ZG now please. We are all quarantined at home and need something to play


Agree. I hunger for coins and bijous.

@Kaivax Thank you, I was on my way here to suggest an early release of ZG due to frankly just getting a little bored with the game. I think Blizzard has a really good opportunity to make some serious money by rolling out old content so the older players like me come back and subscribe. I’ve been going really hard since launch and would love to see both BC and Wrath released in the same manner as Classic was. I think later versions highlighted Blizzard’s commitment to taking feedback and designing in game solutions to address problems players were complaining about. I think Blizzard should continue rolling out the Classic content but maybe move things up a bit as most people are stuck in their houses with nothing to do so this could be a way to capture more subscriptions moving forward.

Yes please, release ZG now and hopefully AQ by late May or early June. Content is getting stale like the bread in my house, especially with everyone being home on quarantine.

ZG When pls?

Blz only cares about sub not players, I suspect they’ll postpone new content since they got more sub now thanks to the quarantine.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the tail end of April. Hope i’m wrong, love ZG

They’re gonna wait for the next MMO to drop to deploy ZG (looks like New World beta), like when they did it with Dire Maul on the same day as AAU. Not saying AAU is worthy of WoW’s attention, but they’ve always seemed to match patch launches with other MMO’s releases/launches (Most notably with FFXIV)