Upcoming buffs and nerfs:

thats gonna be a huge DH nerf. Oh well, ill go back to my rogue.

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thinking more about it

33% chance to begin a casino roll that ends at 28% damage is a SIGNIFICANT reduction to the original 7.77% chance to begin a casino roll that ends at 119%

I think you will never see another 400k deathsweep or hunt hit but you will more regularly see roughly 20% increases to already high damage abilities

overall this is a buff to good demon hunters who play around their traditional win conditions and a massive nerf to the rerolls that are winning on accident and don’t realize it




  • Priest
  • Holy
    • All healing increased by 6% in PvP Combat.

It’s nonsense how Holy’s single target casted heals (Flash Heal and Heal) are healing for so little. When Holy Word: Serenity is on cooldown I feel so helpless. Casted healing should feel rewarding because they’re hard to use as it is.

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Gotta go back to being a lightweaver to make em hit harder.

Otherwise follow the meta tryhard spec and hope your pet autoheals enough.

This is exactly what I don’t like. I enjoy having PoM and it’s nice passive healing, but it can also be out of my control. Holy is fun because it has very controllable spot healing, and when those spot heals are undertuned I feel left to the RNG gods. I do miss Lightweaver. It was super fun and I had a weakaura for it and everything that I miss. :frowning:

Where is any of the math behind any of this. I guess we’ll take your word for it. But the chances of getting 119% before were probably so small you’d have a higher chance getting hit by lightning

Odd buffs to little used Evoker talents

I’ll take it, but why did I need Time Stop on a 45 sec cd? Most go’s aren’t in 45 sec intervals.

I was curious about this too. Maybe to make them feel more desirable? I have no idea.

Highly doubt it cause it can proc off any chaos damage, and DH is all aoe chaos damage. No way of tracking it but I’m guessing fel
Barrage alone coulda get a few procs with All the hits and even into pets. Then add glaive dot and blade dance, immolation, burning wounds, fel rush, aoe stun, hunt dot, decree, sigil of flame. All DH abilities are AoE except fel blade and chaos strike lol.

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…thats it. like what. WHOS WORKING IN THEIR PVP DEPARTMENT. They all need to be fired, because they are clearly blind.

Also feral getting just… treated terrible.


Good to see there’s no buffs for enhance or resto sham

it was buffed?

ferals complain that regrowth doesn’t heal enough, get a 40% buff to regrowth, and complain that regrowth got buffed


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Can we chill till most classes get 4 set, some gain a lot of dps from stats and effect. Some lose dps due to stats and effect.
Not defending DH
Just trying to put myself in their shoes with tuning.

You’re not entirely wrong… We’re still in early season, and more vers / less of other stats on Conquest gear always very slightly balances things out… Still, it’s indisputable that DH has been oneshotting with weird crit procs that scale between a variety of talent auras clearly designed for PvE purposes… Let’s see how things roll out over the next few weeks. Overperformers will be nerfed as they should in time, but looking at the overall curve some specs really need some more love as they’re barely represented. I think it’s more slanted than in the previous DF seasons, but my memory might be wrong on that. FrostDK and Feral have been quite vocal about their position; also Deva, Outlaw, and several of the Healers come to mind as of last week’s lists.

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Gonna make almost zero difference. Right now in 433 level pvp gear, my regular casted regrowths are healing for 55k. So now they’ll be healing for 67k?

LOL… uh, yea.

So it will take me 9 regrowths rather than ten to fully heal myself!

And I still have to go into caster form to use regrowth.

Aren’t the regrowths useable in cat form after using combo points

Yea, but most of the time they are casted after you DoT someone up and run away to heal yourself a bit. So you end up behind a building casting 10 regrowths that aren’t instant. I’m healing myself for 55k a regrowth right now… imagine how bad it is when you have just one or two enemy dots also ticking on you.

That 23% buff won’t do squat.

I’d honestly rather have regrowth heal a lot like a real heal but use up all our mana after 3 casts.

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No defensive buffs for frost dk. They’re just a joke at this point.

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