Upcoming Adjustments to Retribution Paladins

The early sims people are running aren’t placing ret that high, but we will have to see where that all shakes out once ICC is released.

We will have to see what blizzard decides to do, if BM hunter has a poor showing or poor representation in ICC that may warrant blizzard action, however I would be hesitant to expect buffs as in those goals you hate so much they do state BM as a PVP spec and don’t want to have changes effect PVP.

Based on their responses in the Ret blue post I looks like hunter in general is probably not seeing changes as it has 3 dps specs, it does suck for sure that they’re using that as a potential limiter but it does make sense, some classes are just DPS roles and have options for that role, which is mentioned in their goals. Luckily there are lots of guilds who have no issue bring people who love playing the lower or underperforming specializations, I know I found one as ret prior to rerolling to holy/prot. BM can clear content, just as ret could, and I 100% understand being low on the meters feeling bad.

I do feel like hunter utility is being vastly understated by you just from running regularly with a hunter in my raids, the help they provide is amazing and can smooth runs/pulls out easily on their own with their tool kit.

Ret population may be high but the representation in content, based on this buff, is still lower than most others. The utility you rail on about is already covered by prot and holy more often then not and then usually covered by classes bring similar abilities, including BM hunter.

I do support buffs, but in the case of BM hunters you may be stuck where you are at for a while or at worse til cata.

Ya, seems vastly more valuable than the teir 9 4 set, even with stats lost.

Which is why i proposed a way to buff bm that would have 0 effect on pvp.

supposing they do implement your suggestion you are still stuck in the box of being a 3 choice dps class, which sticks hunter and the other pure dps classes in a rough spot for potential changes of any kind based on their goals.

Now the goals could very, VERY, easily go the way of the pillars and be ignored(which is likely tbh) and we start seeing more wide spread yet minor balancing. I hope they do more balancing, as I have repeatedly stated. Keeping the feel of the classic game is important but players having fun and enjoying what they play is also important game design.

This is a good start! Now what is the plan to fix feral druid dps?

  1. Not a Goal – Embark on an effort to provide ongoing balance to all classes phase over phase. We think its very important to WoW Classic that classes behave largely as you’d expect them to throughout the current expansion without constantly worrying about major design changes altering the feel of the class. This includes having them scale mostly as you’d expect them to. Warriors are a great example of this, and in almost every early expansion of WoW, Warriors start weak and scale exceptionally well with gear. This is especially true in Wrath where Armor Penetration becomes more prevalent and available around the midpoint of the expansion, and gear in the later tiers is more tightly optimized to allow Warriors to lean into their strengths and shine. This sort of ebb and flow feels right for classic and we do not want to change this paradigm, and feel that these adjustments will allow Retribution to stay more relevant now without creating a massive new imbalance or placing them well above where we’d expect them to be relative to other classes and specs during this or future phases.

They’re watching the data (assumedly) so if you guys dip lower or show less representation then it could happen. Buff Feral Druids.

Sorry, but this is exactly why people oppose changes like this. You can’t just have your changes and nobody else’s changes. There will be more. Guaranteed. Hope you like them.

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I probably will based on:

Be petty elsewhere.

This might be massive brain

It might even be better than just the pure stat sticks of hard mode gear.

It also appears Hand of Reckoning has a straight 50% attack power coefficient and no spell power coefficient. However, 50% is pretty beefy. I think it is higher than all our judgements and exorcism at least. So, it will probably scale better.

Ultimately, it won’t be a large buff to the majority of Ret players. I’ve seen several that weren’t using it yet. The guess is when they figure it out, they won’t manage to give it 100% uptime. Nice boost for the sweatier Rets out there. The one we had in Ulduar last night was suddenly giving the locks a run for their money. I know I had to keep checking what the hell was happening with a Ret beating out our frost DKs

Ignis is not a fight to judge anything on, he doesn’t have a hardmode.

No decent guild kites Vezax.

To be fair, you never ran the 4p anyway for T9. You run 2p and 3 pieces of leather for bis. It’s unlikely that losing a bunch of crit and haste is going to be valuable for 2 seconds off the spell that ooms us already on longer fights.

It is literally our cheapest dps spell and most mana efficient by a mile (if you don’t count the return given by crusader strike of course). It also does more damage than exorcism at least to non undead targets and more than hammer of wrath. Consecration does marginally more for 8 times more mana. Are you one of the Ret pallies not using it?

yes rets are. they moaned and complained they are under performing and they aren’t. this is them from 3.2.2 on. they’re buttsore about this one.

they did it to shut rets up about buffs. you convinced them you’re under performing from what you were back in wrath. because of all these catastrophically fictitious nerfs you guys received through out wrath’s life cycle.

Never spoke of this outside of mentioning how many general changes ret received during the course of OG wrath putting them in a kind of weird spot. Never claimed repeat nerf after nerf. The removal of SoB was a buff as SoV does more DPS over all.

Had they never made this change I would still play paladin and or ret if I chose too. I was not leading any charge for changes. I may have said at one point they would be nice to have but never cried for them.

Lumping all paladins together is the easy low effort option though so keep it up if you so choose

Whats the point, taunt has always worked on pets in pvp, regardless of class using taunt.

He’s just arguing in bad faith as usual.

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Accurate, the lashing out is strong from him and some others.