He keeps posting tay as of it isn’t completely contradictory.
You have yet to show how it is contradictory and have chose to be insulting instead.
The explanation and break down make plenty of sense, you choose to be obtuse and not understand it.
It’s not a goal for other classes but it is for ret, which is what the changes are.
It’s contradictory to anyone not purposefully obtuse.
Clearly the people making decisions did the work and saw that ret should get a very minute boost in power.
In their repeated writing they post how reluctant they are to do any changes but felt this one was warranted based on their data. Not recieveing a boost like this means in blizzards eyes that your spec/class is performing how they think it should. Keep in mind I don’t agree with this stance, but it looks to be the stance they have.
Yes this is a change for rets as, according to blizzards logic and collected data, the spec needed a buff as it was in a special spot comparatively.
As it stands I do think that classes like druid and shaman who have one melee and one caster dps specialization should receive changes to the lower performing specialization, using the some what of the same rationale as this ret boost. As gearing for ele/boomie is comparatively way different than a pure DPS class having too respec. The case for more changes to other classes is there for sure, blizzard just has to choose to act based on their data.
If changes to one class/spec and not to another bother you this much I have no idea why you still play since those are normal occurrences generally. If the dev team is going to actually start monitoring classic balance it will probably happen this way again to another potential outlier.
I don’t think it’s minute. It’s a meaningful buff. But not overpowering. About right.
I thought a couple of days ago it was small but our Rets are doing really well with it, I think it’s actually a decent buff in the right hands. People who macro stuff ;p
No we all get it, Rets are immune to their current philosophy .
We also get that it’s stupid and should be mocked.
I only use the adjective because people claim everyone wants to be S tier when asking for changes when most seem to just not want the gap between the bottom and the middle to be so large.
I agree though, it is meaningful still. Honestly could take or leave the taunt change, I’m just overjoyed at the SoV changes most of all.
Gonna file that under “I read nothing you posted and am going to continue to be obtuse and argumentative even when people agree with me in part”
Great changes that won’t disrupt the dps rankings and a well-thought out post by Blizzard. A+
is it possible, that i mean you as in the ret pallies? not specifically you? but thats okay.
great. thats what i like to hear. more players should be like you.
it sucks. but it is what it is. you got liars and bad faith argument people with in your camp that sour the rest of us on you guys. and in some regards i can agree with them on other subjects. but the bad actors need to be called out.
still waiting for preg nerfs ty
it will be.
The “royal you” doesn’t translate in text very well unless the people know each other. You will also have to temper my original response as tensions over this are insanely high and attacks are the norm even more so. Though I understand your phrasing now and will take that into account in future discourse.
There needs to be less “what about me?” and more coordination on suggesting and working towards balance. eating each other alive because one spec got something and another didn’t only makes for hostility.
The mirror can really be turned to those railing against the change as well, often more so imo. There were crying rets for sure, no doubt lmao, but the people suggesting reasonable change were attacked just as much by those going after the criers and very strongly. Bad actors abound though, I agree.
it’s a Bug! It should be fixed! It’s not a nerf, they shouldn’t have been doing that damage in the first place! The fact they along with rogues and locks are 30% in front of ret, which was never the case in original Wrath is obscene! Blizzard needs to look very closely at those classes who are advantaged by numerous bugs, addon updates namely weak auras and how Tricks is used on Affi locks in particular! Locks were not even brought by top notch guilds like Ensidia back in a day, they were nowhere to be found. So how the hell are they 30-40% in front of ret, when back in a day they 10%~ behind? Rogues same deal, nowhere near 30% in front, nor Unholy DKs on any boss fight, and definitely blown away by Ret on trash pulls and AoE. This dps disparity is not just “2 pce T10” or “the last patch” or “players are just better now”, it’s partly to do with those things, and MORE!
There is a lot of bugs and changes from how things origionally worked due to the new engine and such. Some of it is players just having more knowledge of how to min max, other things like gary just behave differently. I remember in og wotlk the gargoyle would auto attack now and then. Now though? Havent seen a single AA from them. I remember losing like 3-5 seconds of gary duration to it flying down on summon (and the bad pet ai trying to figure out what to hit). Now it is maybe a second, 2 at the very most.
A lot of things behave just a little differently with the new engine.
I would summon my garg in the original and he would spawn in the air, stop flapping, and fall right into the ground, happened enough that it was a running joke in my guild. I also remember it just sitting there doing nothing for over half it’s duration.
Basically the new engine bugs “fixed” garg but fixed it too well.
It’s a 10%~ buff at this time, baseline self buffed in Naxx25 gearing level. In general guilds, it will mean Ret is topping the damage if the Ret is a 80-99% parser vs the stereotypical lock parsing low. This is myself, I top the damage in my guild overall and some fights regardless. In top notch guilds, the buff means nothing, Ret will be bottom of the barrel still in those guilds vs Affi locks, rogues etc regardless of 90-99 parses. The gap of 30-40% that these classes are ahead and totally broken I might add will not be reduced.
I personally am against this knee jerk buff, it’s welcome in terms of were broken vs original, but the fact it has to be done vs Blizzard truly sorting these broken classes out instead and the overall state of the game, where the dps numbers are all over the shop is unacceptable from a major corporation, who I do believe have all the original data! If we had the original World of Logs data somehow at time stamp intervals, would prove all this beyond a doubt, but alas we have the Engadget post only from ICC25 to go by, and that will show I would say easily that these notions of Ret merely lagging behind because of a 2 pce T10 set bonus and the “nerfs” to Ret as they remember them is completely unfounded. Something far more screwed up is happening I’m afraid for these numbers to be so skewed and random!
I love constant feedback from the team to create a balanced game.
I agree with Affi Lock, after digging around and asking about this from top notch players in speed run guilds, this spec has been affected by the advent of better Weak Aura addon usage and reducing clipping of DoTs and using Tricks up front for max damage! From prying, those locks said about 10%~ damage upgrade! That is the only spec mate that truly benefits from better gameplay optimisation as far as I know unless you can add your thoughts from a similar perspective? So where does the 30-40% damage disparity come into play? Players are not 40% better mate. If you look at the Ensidia kills in 2009/2010, they are pumping back then (all their mages doing 33k-39k on hodir Heroic world first kill, still not matched yet? But was done back in a day in a similar time frame!) using the best classes and techniques, to say players now are optimising to be 40% better, I think it’s incredibly arrogant for one! And I believe from my digging, this is more than certainly “bugs” in the damage of probably a LOT of these classes, but in particular those that are that ridiculous amount out in front compared to where they truly were! It needs to be sorted and fixed for posterity alone! Not knee jerk “let’s use a glyphed tank ability and throw that in the mix”, not good enough from a major corporation
Yep, I agree. I’m fine with buffing Ret. But there’s something deeper going on with the engine I think.
I really hope Blizzard sees merit in a more general and comprehensive look at balance and how things are tracking.
Rogue benefits from players now knowing a broken synergy with the garenteed crit weapon effect, energy regen from crit, and fan of knives spam. That was not a well known combination back then. That is an example of player knowledge having a massive difference from back then.
Its really a half dozen of things. Engine changes, player knowledge, addons improving, slight changes in class coding to make them work properly on the new engine, exc.