Upcoming Adjustments to Retribution Paladins

This, if paladin gets to be S tier at everything, I expect to heal in bear form better than holy pali.

Lmao, this guy thinking an ~800 dps buff is going to bring ret to s-tier dps.

Good lord.


So instead of doing the easy and logical thing if tweaking some damage percentages here and there to hold us up until ICC, or just revert temporarily some of the Ret nerfs present in the current patch classic is running on, you… make an entirely new glyp that makes a taunt… a dps ability…

A glyp that will compete with an already full three slots of DPS majors.

Freaking amazing.

And I’m so tired of Ret utility being an excuse to relegate us to a token one raid slot allowed.

Wrath was the expansion that did away with the hybrid tax. Intentionally. By Blizzard.

Now we get blue posts using it as a defense.

Vengeance change is nice, can say that at least.

Our non-HoR glyphs are all horrid anyway, it’s an easy swap.

Bm hunter buffs when? It will be behind ret in dps soon with far less utility.

Off the GCD. It was a very elegant solution.

And it scales really well.

I agree but then we would need to nerf the other 2 dps specs that are top teir. Or would you want hunters to have 3 top teir dps?

Nice update to Glyph of Righteous Defense

With 0 impact on our pvp performance too. And 0 impact to other specs. It truly was a bit of a masterpiece of a buff which I think is the biggest shock here :stuck_out_tongue:

Didnt ask for huge buffs, just enough to not be considered a meme spec. After all, the damage is comparable to ret, but has basically no utility.

So the one dps spec for paladins in bottom tier and get what 800 dps increase on the only dps spec and still mid tier is a reason to cry for some love of a spec that is at bottom but the other 2 are top. Makes since

oh snap! ret got a minor buff? makes sense why im seeing all these snowflakes crying… :snowflake: :cry: :rofl:

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I mean, ret already brought massive utility while still doing viable dps.

Mocking Blow (in wrath) can be used in Battle or Def Stance.

Mocking has a taunt mechanic, true. But isn’t an true, at it’s heart, Taunt.

I believe the intent of it (from Vanilla) was to be an “ohshi the tank just died”; slap the target with this 2 minute cooldown, and go into Defense Stance.

((If I recall…Stance change triggered the GCD so you’d have a 1.5 second delay before you could use Taunt.))

It could also be a hold over from the alpha/beta. Maybe the OG Mocking had a shorter cooldown and the idea was for Warriors to charge in, mocking, and then switch to defense tank.

…there was a lot of stuff that got ‘left in’ to make the release deadline, and only in later expansions were reworked (ie Shamans; RIP Shammy Tanks; RIP 2hand WF) or removed (ie Pet Skill Points).

So viable. Just dont mistake for trash aoe dps for boss dps

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That chart shows 4 specs under ret. And bm was just barely above it which means it is likely under it now.

So when do those other specs get buffs? How much do we have to cry to make that happen? Oh and since rets seem to be experts in it, shoyld we cry like an entitled 4 year ofl to grt what we want or 40 year old? Which method proved more effective. Asking you because rets clearly have experience in this field.

One of those is literally prot warrior DPS.

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  1. Not a Goal – Bring all of the classes with poor PvE output up similarly. Frost Mages, Subtlety Rogues, Arms Warriors, and Beast Mastery Hunters are all at or below the output of Retribution in PvE and it would be easy to point to this change and say “What about [insert spec here]”. That’s fair, and this very argument was a motivator for us holding off on making changes here. A key argument that swayed us however is that all of those classes have very viable alternatives for PvE DPS, whereas Paladins only have Retribution in this role. All of these specs also have traditionally been viewed as PvP specs, and we are very leery to shift the meta in PvP while chasing a buff to PvE. This is why we went the direction we did for Retribution; as the impact to PvP shouldn’t be large. We’ll continue to evaluate things as time goes by, but we do not have any plans for other similar class adjustments after this one.

my dude, you got to calm down and read, you’re legit ignoring their entire reasoning because you’re upset.


So hunter is a pure dps class. so having 2/3 top tier dps specs makes you want to cry about BM?

Ret is the only dps spec for pallys and making them mid tier hurts your feelings?