Upcoming Adjustments to Retribution Paladins

id rather it be a minor as 3 of the best major gylphs are hard to pass up. the DoT update is good. But the hand of reckoning spell is good except to me having it major kinda a hard one

I wish, instead of buffing ret, that they would have buffed shockadin spec to the point that it outperforms ret and becomes viable. Just to spite them.

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Build holy into a tree for dps or healing, like how druids have tank/dps in one tree.

Sure I’d play that. fits more with how I’d envisioned playing a paladin back when I started

Ah yes, wanting a class to not be broken is being a cry baby lol. You guys are so far gone its stunning


I didn’t flag anything. Your name is not inappropriate(that I’m aware of). You shouldn’t abuse the report system just because somebody else did.

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Preeeeetty sure it was a money thing for Blizzard - they didn’t give two craps about what players wanted.

…the “real” classic players… what?

That’s a really cool idea actually!

That ship sailed long ago. They killed Smite priests and tanking shamans.

It’s worth ten times as much as the weakest of our major glyphs we would normally use.

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It’s WAY too good to be a minor, it’s going to be our #1 glyph for damage.

Our other glyphs suck.

In what world was Ka Pai even close to number 1 oceanic lol Adept was.

It begins.

WotLK known famously for bring the player not the class.

WotLK classic, don’t about players or the class, just bring more Paladins.

Perfectly said.

BUFF DAY!!! YEAH!!! :partying_face:

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Yeah, I am sure raids will now forgo locs, mages, dks, MM and surv hunters, assination and combat rogues just to have mid teir dps ret pallys.

Ah yes, because why bring your buddy who enjoys ret when you could stack 6 UH DK’s in Phase 1 and have their gargoyles do more DPS than a normal entire guild did back in the day?

Ret was buffed in 3.2 because its dps was too low in 3.1 lol you would have been complaining for sure right now.

Very few guilds were actually stacking unholy DKs. Not a concern in the slightest for your average player.

Poor paladins, they only have S tier tank spec and S tier heal spec. Might as well delete the toon because it’s only a B tier dps spec.

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So my Hand of Reckconing would no longer be like a “Nail flick to the ear”, but rather like “Slapping somebody on the back with a whole bunch of thumb tacks taped to it”.

Just a joke guys…take it easy. :stuck_out_tongue: