But see that’s the point. An authentic Wrath experience would’ve rolled through all of the patches as it was back then.
When you rush to the final patch and set people at Naxx with no adjustments, there’s going to be problems.
But see that’s the point. An authentic Wrath experience would’ve rolled through all of the patches as it was back then.
When you rush to the final patch and set people at Naxx with no adjustments, there’s going to be problems.
There’s lots of problems, why is the ret problem the only one that needs attention.
By all means, fix ret. But why not fix the other issues while your at it.
Wouldn’t mind if they did.
All the Ret hate just reminds me of the Ret hate I received in Vanilla Classic.
Stop making paladin thee go to class! They are already WAY over represented, 20% of every server are Paladin!
Well yeah that’s what we realized. It isn’t “because ret paladins were given a slight DPS increase” It is because that was one in a long line of poor and unnecessary decisions that were made by the dev team.
Many of us decided to play WOTLK Classic because we wanted to play what we thought was going to be a faithful recreation of the WOTLK expansion. It becomes more and more clear everyday that as you said, we’re playing the wrong game.
I really don’t see why anyone really has a complaint over such a minor buff, However…
“and we are very leery to shift the meta in PvP while chasing a buff to PvE.”
You would think after almost 20 years Blizzard could learn to apply a buff to a spec that was only applied to PvE and not PvP.
There is really no reason for people to complain about slight buffs to increase your guildmates and friends dps in PvE. Bringing all specs up to be viable in raid setting does nothing to hurt you.
This is a game and everyone should be able to play the class and spec they enjoy while having the spec viable, ie. to be included in a raid setting. This is no way means that every class and spec should be a dps or hps chart topper, but differences should be minor enough to allow all game play styles and not require a class to play one spec or one role (and I am not including the unusual spec like Smite Priest, Shockadin, ect.)
So did ret paladins mind you.
They literally did.
first time ever. they’ve botched this more times than I can count with my shoes off.
naw this is a great ret buff. And as previously pointed out its off the gcd not to mention ret already has a built in dead wind which you’d know if you played the spec.
utility absolutely gets you raid spots.
The issue is that rets were so far below the other DPS specs that even with their utility it was rarely worth it to bring one.
Necessary decisions. Unnecessary decisions. What part of the decision categorizes it into either area?
To me it feels like any decision to change anything would be unnecessary to you, and you’re likely on team #nochanges.
I feel like a DPS increase for ret paladins was necessary. They are likely one of the most nerfed classes up until the last patch of WOTLK so they are not currently functioning anywhere close to where they did in OG WOTLK. Not only have ret players seen this as an issue but Blizzard themselves have or they wouldn’t be doing anything about it.
I usually check logs after raid and my uptime is somtimes pushing above 99% so I actively have very little downtime in-between GCDs. I seal/wep swap around weapon swing timer, spam my rotation, throw out every blessing I have, throw out instant cast flash of lights, lay on hands, constantly rotate my own personal DPS & defensive CDs though by no means am I perfect at this and I have died a few times to the damage transfer from Dsac when I could have avoided it with bubble. Ret paladin is a very unique and fun class to play. Most of the DPS classes in the game don’t have abilities they are expected to use to help out their raid that can literally kill them. You have to be paying attention to so much more than any other DPS class to be a viable ret player.
Off the top of my head let’s see…
Mage, warlock, DK, warrior, ele/enhance literally don’t have any reason to pay attention to raid frames during a fight and have the freedom to just pay attention to their own game to be able to play well.
Spriest, boomkin, rogue, hunter all have some form of raid utility they should be paying attention to in the form of dispersion, battle rez + off-heals if necessary, and Misdirection. The hardest of these I would say is boomkin off-heals because some fights are already tight on mana and to heal you have to leave moonkin form which adds additional mana onto healing everytime you do it because it costs mana to go back into moonkin form.
I’m sure I’m missing some classes but the point is most of you wouldn’t actually enjoy playing a ret paladin even if they were doing exactly the same damage as a lock because they require significantly more focus than other DPS classes to play well. More add-ons that take up your screen just so you can perform the duties of your class as quickly as possible. You would just pick the easier class and play a warlock. I played mage from Vanilla - Cata, and that was magnitudes easier than playing ret paladin despite me currently having infinitely more knowledge about the game than I did as a teenager.
What I would have preferred is if they’d move through WOTLK, patch by patch, like they did in retail WOTLK. But they chose to stay on the last patch, with the earliest content. So everyone who is bad in the beginning, but great at the end has to suck it. I don’t know why, but that’s the beginning of bad calls. I think we all assumed that meant that balancing wouldn’t get touched, because the plan is for balance at the end.
It’s not hard for me to categorize it as unnecessary. Because now that balancing is getting touched, with increasingly silly justifications like the cherry picked “their only dps spec.” Now it is deemed necessary to balance from here on out, right?
They could have even done something like tinkered with the tier set bonus so that the change only impacts P2-P3. But not they’re going to have to look at this again in P4.
And frankly I don’t care how “difficult” it is or is not to play ret paladin or any other class. People pick the class that plays the way they enjoy playing. WOTLK is so enjoyable because the great homogenization of classes hasn’t happened yet. Having a more difficult to play class doesn’t earn you anything, talk to ferals about that.
And please, when you defend my statement about “unnecessary decisions” You may not exclude heroic+. That was dev time that could have been spent fixing bugs for other classes, balancing more classes, or dozens of other things that would have been useful.
The cat is out of the bag now. Players can’t reasonably expect that their class won’t play much differently in the future. Players can’t know what to expect. Because as “logical” as all you happy ret players seem to think this decision is…The rest of us don’t see how it was logical to address ret DPS before fixing all the other class bugs that have existed since launch and accumulated along the way to where we are. If it was a “balance” patch, we should have seen more movement than just a dps bump to ret.
No, this stinks.
I would agree with all of this. It’s where the root of the problem lies.
The blame can’t be laid at the feet of Ret paladins. If the game were released patch by patch, Ret would’ve been fine, and you wouldn’t have heard much from us.
Well I’d like to be clear in that I do not place the blame at the feet of ret paladins. It only belongs with the leadership of the Wow Classic team.
We could have all been happy because we would know what to expect from WOTLK Classic. You wouldn’t even have to deal with all the RDF posts, because they too would know when to expect to see RDF.
Yeah, would’ve been perfect, and it would have spared extra time for bug fixes etc.
Glad to hear you don’t think that way, but many others do, which is a shame.
Believe it or not this is exactly why ret paladins are receiving a buff, because they were balanced at the end around things we can’t currently acquire.
No, just no. If you read the post from Aggrend you clearly understand that this isn’t the statement they made, this is just want you want it to mean.
All of the people who are complaining about the ret buff surely complained about H+ and putting 25 man raid tables into 10 mans which never happened in OG WOTLK and now you choose to not do any of this content on any of your characters because it upsets you so much that they’re in the game. Surely.
Everyone was balanced around things we can’t currently acquire. Nice try.
Yeah I and almost everyone else read, reread, and understand the post. The OP from blizz is simply stating that they aren’t doing the thing they actually ARE doing. Like when a CEO lays people off and states, “we don’t make this decision lightly.” Or when somebody starts off an insult with, “no disrespect but,”
You can choose to believe them, because you want to, but most of us see through it for what it is. Say one thing, do another.
I agree with this. Bliz are making some pretty dubious decisions for dubious reasons. Not fair to blame the player base for that. It’s their game.