Upcoming Adjustments to Retribution Paladins

the taunt still may not do damage if the enemy is already attacking you- its still yet to be seen if thats how it works yet or not

right now, the taunt will not do damage if the mob is attacking you already. so if it works the same, there wouldnt be much of a point in a prot pally taking the glyph

Now fix the current and all bugs and def introduce rdf/cross play k thanks.

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Don’t worry, it’ll get locked at 500 posts I believe

still waiting for preg nerf.

just FYI, an old post from Engadget, I can’t make the direct link, but this will take you too it in google: “engadget icc dps analysis by spec” , average dps and top dps. Ret is “A” tier, not “E” tier. Locks are not leading by 30% disparity! It’s a very close spread!

Youre still hung up on being wrong. Give it up

lol I wish I didn’t read the blue post either, it’s so stupid I couldn’t believe it.

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I think this post gets locked at 500. If that is the case, I’ll go ahead and leave some parting words: Thank you Blizzard for rectifying this mistake.

To anyone who takes offense to this change, just know that myself and others aren’t asking to be S tier DPS. We just want to stay relevant. Once ICC hits and the T10 bonus is available, I’d be happy with doing away with this buff if it makes everyone happy.


Amen. They either balance all as an ongoing commitment or they shouldn’t touch.

Ad-hoc “balancing” is a mugs game.


they haven’t rectified anything, it’s a knee jerk stop gap measure really. Other classes that are massively out dpsing others truly need to be looked at! The disparity simply was not the case in Wrath of the Lichking, which this is meant to recreate! This will add say 500 dps sustained to Ret dps. That doesn’t make up for the 3000 deficit between them and locks, nor the other classes like Unholy DK. The original even in ICC 25 as per that Engadget post, the difference between the specs was a LOT closer! These guys need to get off their backsides and work out what is going on across the board really. Numbers are all over the shop!


I don’t remember the DPS specs being as balanced as you suggest back in the day in Wrath.

I can’t prove it, but I did play back then.

I think this is true. In many ways the whole of classic early phases end up feeling like a pre patch as the patch they use is a snapshot balanced for the finale content. So the balance is just off prior to that (not unlike a pre patch before an expansion where no-one’s max level yet). We have a patch balanced around gear and content not yet in the game.

It’s just a flaw in the release methodology of classic. The whole idea of releasing staged content but all on the final patch is flawed if you open the door to balancing classes and specs each phase.

One way they could deal with it is simply wear it - like you do with a prepatch. Don’t even bother rebalancing things knowing it’ll wash out by the end.

The other way is to closely monitor performance and quickly measure and patch imbalances. A lot more work.

Something that isn’t a valid option in my view is piecemeal one off selective “fixes”. A response, if there is one, needs to be fair and measured and consistently applied. That takes time, effort, and money. You’re essentially patching the game in releases again.

My fear was that if Blizzard did start to meddle with class balance it would be done piece meal and poorly. That fear appears to be getting realised.

Don’t worry neither can they. “But I swear it wasn’t like this guys. You gotta believe me.”.

go to google, and type in “engadget icc analysis by spec” and view the post from May 2010 showing the “average” and “top” dps from the then current “World of Logs” in ICC 25 man. It will show what I am talking about. Hope it helps understand. Ret was always B+ to A tier dps! never “D” to “E” tier dps with a 30% disparity

I just answered this, I personally have screenshots from the original WotLK, I was in a guild called Ka Pai, we were number 1 oceanic and cleared all ICC Heroic content. As ret I was anywhere in the top 3 dps in that guild while I was there. No locks in sight back then!
On a side note from the above experience, if you type in “engadget icc analysis by spec” into google search, a May 2010 Engadget post shows the state of the class dps in ICC 25 man, there were no 30% disparities! Ret was B+ - A Tier in terms of dps

None of which is relevant to the final patch version of the game. But thanks for playing.

It is relevant because Ret was never anything other than near “A” Tier dps the entire expansion! I have the screenshots mate! It appears you are merely a troll with limited knowledge of the state of the game back then. Don’t dispair though, as feral druid was actually upto 10% above Ret in some cases at the time!

there could be numerous things wrong mate with what they’ve done tbh, I’ve been asking players I know in top notch guilds, locks etc their thoughts. Some of the replies are as follows: (from a lock perspective)

  • Use of addons such as Weak Auras now to track DoTs and not clipping as much has added upto 10% to lock damage
  • Latency for oceanic players, from 360-400ms to 10-20ms (this is irrelevant as playeres in the US with low latency back then, still werent doing the numbers locks are doing now, just from an Australian raiding perspective)
  • Player skill and knowledge increase and using debuffs more effectively as a lock compared to back then (I really struggle to believe this one when EJ forums were at their peak, and player base was at it’s height, but a variable nonetheless)
  • player skill and knowledge in raid to position better and usage of Heroism, tricks etc increasing damage output (the guys I talk to are in speed run guilds currently smashing heroic Ulduars). This is true, some guilds have made minor changes and are slightly more effective. But 20-30% more effective that benefits class specs that were mid tier at best at the same point in time? It still does not stack up to me.
    OR is there a screwup with the internal numbers?

whether this is a 30-40% increase in damage…problem still is, this should be commensurate across the raid, and it’s not, some specs are benefiting more than others, who are historically not the top dps at the time, not by a long shot!

and mate good points there, I agree. I actually fear, they’ve screwed up the numbers baseline at this stage!

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Back in OG, warlocks were mostly destruction at this point in time.

That really should tell you everything you need to know about 3.3.5.

It doesn’t do damage if you already have aggro, that doesn’t change with this glyph at all.

All prots would gain from this is losing access to their taunt.