Upcoming Adjustments to Retribution Paladins

Grats, its good at clearing trash faster because of a cheese talent set up that lets it be worse on boss fights and still clear.

oh, a GSE macro setup, that is subpar vs. actually playing the good old 969, and can be used with quite literally anything?
fot example a protwarrior can also use a 1 button makro.

Yes, it is. I know a retail player who only posts here because Dragonflight sucks wouldn’t understand. The fastest guild in the world brought a BM Hunter to the fastest clear in the world. BM Hunter is fine.

No, its paladin utility in general. One of them is beacon of light clone but considerably worse. As the heals per second of mend pet is laughable at best comparee to what beacon of light can out out.

Sad and unnecessary but Ret mains have always been the biggest, loudest crybabies since 2004.

Didn’t expect Blizz to cave to the worst part of the playerbase but here we are.

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nice!! can you fix fire ele so it resets with the rest of the cooldowns now??


Ret was fine as well.

Still got a buff.

So you build ur fancy pet because of RET utility, then broaddn it to an ability of any pally specialisation?

You should troll better.
You could easily gave your pet as a 3rd ability a 2minute cooldown to provide another person a small shieldwall, and if u use a glyph for it, 2 of suchs cooldowns…

Good luck, still waiting for them to fix wild growth and ignite munching. You knowz the things that are known bugs but they dont want to fix it. Just like the cd not reseting on ele would be considered a bug. So it won’t get fixed.

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Oh hell yes please!

Its not troll.

Crying like a 4 year old got ret buffs it didn’t need, so why not mimick their actions to get stuff i would want?

But of course this is all in the idea stage, so why not. Change pack brother to give a single target a 30% damage reduction for 12 seconds. With a 2 min CD.

Im just pointing out paladins have a crap ton of useful utility that made their lower dps as ret not really matter that much because of the value of that utility.

Funny thing is, i actually agree with you on this, even tho i also do not mind rets getting buffed.
I only play prot as pally, and if blizzard fixes FIre elemental for shamans, i will tell them of all the potential exploits and degen playstyles their new change brings for anyone that knows their stuff bout pallys.

Ya like macroing that new damage button into every ability and forgetting about it? (I know thats just the start of it, but a quick example, with a quick fix below)

The glyph should also put it on the global CD.

Nah, thats not a problem. And if its on global CD it would be bad. Trust me theres far more fancy stuff that IS going to happen, but unless i get a confirmation for Fire Elemental resets, i hold them in^^

Ret is already relatively popular (according to wowlogs) because paladins are probably the best class in the game.
Of all the classes/specs you bent over a table when you chose to use ICC ArP over Ulduar ArP, only 1 is relatively popular—frostDK—and that’s because you rightfully (though incorrectly) nerfed UHDK.
Feral, combat, marks, fury and arms, the classes impacted by using nerfed ArP scaling, are almost all unpopular. Fury is only popular because people who play warrior are mentally deficient (I should know because I’m one of them) and don’t want to confront the fact that warrior is the worst class (in any spec) in the game.

Warriors are worse prog tanks and arguably worse overall tanks than prot paladin. Fury is already only brought for commanding shout so making their dps worse by comparison to a ret who is actually a really useful and popular spec/class, is just another nail in a coffin that should have been buried out at sea p1.

Warriors scale, but 50% of nothing is much less than 10% of a 10k+dps that every other class boasts or will boast coming out of Ulduar.

This just seems shortsighted. Ret also gets a huge buff in ICC. If they are “in line” with fury, honestly, why waste gear on fury when you can just stack another paladin who brings more than a buff that gets worse as gear gets better (commanding shout).

I’m a good warrior, I’ll bend over the table for your next f***ing. Poor feral though, poor marks, poor combat, poor the rest that don’t deserve the hatred that you mean to focus on warrior.

EDIT: TBC, I’m not saying ret shouldn’t get some attention because they do have issues in gameplay, but polishing the wheels on a lemon, patting it on the top and lamenting on what a good job you did is . . . very in line with what I’d expect from the modern Blizzard.

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Pally is the least represented dps class in ulduar currently (according to warcraftlogs, i dont know your fancy wowlogs)

Warriors are worse progression tanks, but arguably the best overall tanks.
And btw, even as a protpally main, i do not understand why blizzard does not want to adjust the tanks, by giving them similar survivability for progress (meaning hard dmg income), and similar survivability for farm.

Dont worry. Fury will outdps ret in ICC.
And nobody brings a warrior for commanding shout, like seriously what ? Just let one of em affli locks take an imp, does the same, dont need the low dps warrior…

Blizzard really just promoting “cry loud enough and they will cave” this is embarrassing.

Alright my turn guys “why can’t dks have permanent army of the dead wtf this class sucks”.

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They definitely do. It’s the only reason half the prog raids had a warrior. It was for commanding shout.

scroll down to the number of parses:
Ret is at 126k
Combat is 84k
feral is 95k
marks is 51k
warrior is 156k
frostdk is 212k

All of those classes are damaged by blizzard using ICC ArP calculation rather than Ulduar ArP calculation. Marks and Combat would otherwise be in-line or better than their counterparts.

DK is obviously popular because UHDK was nerfed, and it was already a relatively popular class before that because it’s the new shiny thing.

Warrior (fury) is only marginally more popular than ret because, as I said, we’re stupid people who don’t want to confront the fact that we’re objectively the worst class.

They were good in Naxx because of their mobility and snap aoe threat. Neither of those things are as important in Ulduar and so you’d only bring one for commanding shout and didn’t want to bring a fury.

Yes, all specs should be viable.

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Is this anything new?

I’m sure caving in to crybabies will work out well. It did wonders to the game the first time around. Retail players are the happiest, most content players there are.