Again this is blizzards fault. They changed the content and then just left classes to rot. I think #nochanges was a bad choice but I understood it. The second they started changing content classes should have been tuned.
LOL what? I dont play DF either dink boy.
Its just absurd to look at the top .01% of the game and say everyone else can easily do the same exact thing!
Their kills times are insane and they have literally the best players in the entire world all in the same raid. Their mix of professions, class stacking, split groups for loot distribution, etc etc is unmatched for pretty much everyone else.
Thankfully the game isnt balanced around only the top .01%
You’re not getting it.
The fastest guild in the world brought a BM Hunter. If BM wasn’t viable, why would the fastest min-maxing guild in the world bring it?
You’ve made 3,500 posts (on that character, probably add another 1,000 to that) crying about RDF and they haven’t caved yet.
Lvl 20 sockpuppet opinions don’t matter =P.
Ret was viable before being buffed.
So why shouldn’t other lower performing specs be buffed as well regardless if being viable?
And i am glad for this fact.
why is there so much rage over a pve change?
how many rets are you guys running in a raid? this doesn’t make the game any easier (a 1% raid damage increase maybe) nor does it affect pvp balance.
Sounds like blizz painted themselves into a corner taking the lazy route with the “last patch balance” doctrine, inadvertently nerfed ret back to the stone age, and finally threw a bone to what was now the worst pve spec in the game. Nothing wrong with that
i agree with the “no changes” principle but blizz clearly don’t, so getting worked up over this change is laughable
Point that seems to be lost on most people – buffing one class / spec is a comparative nerf to the utility / value of other classes. All classes / specs ultimately compete for limited raid spots.
Blizzard decided to take a class that was very well represented and make it even more viable.
Blizzard already gave their reasoning.
Doesnt stop my statement from being true that ret was already viable before these buffs. Sure you didnt stack them, but they were viable. And if holy/prot did not exist, raids would stack a few rets just for those utility CDs.
Running with 24 is viable too lol
“if holy/prot did not exist” yea bro what if no other specs existed? Then raids would still stack rets right? Meaningless line of thought
Listen I as a ret main am happy that they are doing something about it, however. In order to take the new hand of reckoning major glyph, I will have to drop 10% damage on judgements or 10% damage on exorcism, which may be worth it overall feels bad. Why not just make hand of reckoning taunt only when righteous fury is active? or make it a minor glyph?
If you stack enough expertise, drop SoV glyph
no amount of expertise would be worth that. You would have to stack all the available expertise itemized in the game and drop a ton of other stats
Hmm idk, the itemization is increasing so more stats on gear. That means less exp needed to softcap.
But I think the glyph def beats the AW one, so could replace that too
this is true. My loot list is drastically changing as I think this over… I guess we will know more when sims come out. Too much math
Any gear with arp would get tossed out of course. I think also sacrificing a little haste would still be more than worth it.
Disgusting. This buff isnt even enough for me to switch back to my ret. feelsbadman.jpg
Yeah nah, you said this when you did the unholy nerfs and now you’ve gone right back on your word and buffed a spec purely because they whined for multiple months on end. Stop catering to cry babies. This is classic, we don’t want class homogenisations, whiners on the forums are exactly what caused this. Who are you going to buff or nerf next? Whoever cries the most?