Upcoming Adjustment - Removing Class Restrictions from Arathi Basin Item Rewards


We’ve seen a lot of feedback and comments recently on the Arathi Basin reputation rewards, and we wanted to let you know about a change that is coming sometime within the next few days to live realms via hotfix.

We are going to go ahead and remove the class restrictions from Arathi Basin reputation reward 3-piece armor sets. We’ve read your feedback around this issue and we largely agree that these restrictions are fairly arbitrary and felt like this would be a good change for the game overall to allow for a bit more flexibility in PvP gearing.

We also wanted to point out that this adjustment will also extend to WoW Classic Era realms. In discussing whether we should keep this as a Season-only change or extend it to Era, we felt that this would be strictly additive to the experience of those playing on Era realms as well.

We appreciate the feedback we’ve received on this issue so far. Thank you and have a great weekend!

-The WoW Classic Dev Team



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Yea but what about those of us who farmed exalted for the tabard and can’t do the quest because we arnt 60???


This is a very nice change wp blizz

Also fix the Tabard! Thanks


any chance on putting the 1% crit on the 40 plate belts like the ones that come later?

also plz review my dual wield shockadin thread if you have time PalaLeader

this is COOOO

Ill take credit for this from tweeting him in February to do this exact thing once i realized all the gear was junk for my boomkin from AB.

More class tuning coming, hopefully, as well? :slight_smile:

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Meanwhile Holy Paladin continues to flounder like the redheaded step-child the team perceives it to be.

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Regarding the removal of class restrictions of AB gear for Era, doesn’t this set a precedent to remove other class restricted items to be “strictly additive to the experience”? i.e. Cap of the Scarlet Savant & Necro-Knight’s Garb? Although some players may be happy about this change for better itemization, it still contradicts the mission statement of Era to remain as it was, warts and all, for better game design decisions in the future like those implemented in SoD. Why must Era experience changes from the new guard when all it is meant to do is to exist as a museum piece?


good call aggrend, it felt really bad to have 0 incentive to pvp on my hunter at 40. appreciate your work on sod

Could you explain the changes that have been made to the STV Blood Moon event?
It appears that AoE spells now do less damage near the altars?

Confused why was it needed to do this?


Changes to Era should really just be avoided. Unexpected shifts to the meta may occur. As an example the change to the PvP system has greatly reduced Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin activity, the only two actual PvP battlegrounds.

Those of us who want to join a battleground for no other reason than to have fun PvPing have a much harder time doing so now.

So idk maybe just stop messing with our game. Your attempts to improve it either make one thing better and another worse or just make the game worse altogether.


I think it’s unfortunate that Era, aka the “museum piece”, keeps changing. For SoD this time.

Is it nice that a blue post was put out about the changes? Sure.

I also don’t think that this is a major thing, however, everything together sort of is.

I decided pretty much I was done in December and I haven’t played since then and I don’t regret that in any way and probably won’t return, but sometimes I come back here to see what’s up.

Things were really fun for a while but at some point, the shark got jumped and things are just not that great anymore and therefore not worth spending time with.

A refresh of 1.12 could be worth returning to, but that probably won’t happen.


can you make lvl 40 or 50 versions of the AB rep 3pc gear and weapons?

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I thought the point in Era was it not having unnecessary changes.


This dev team has the foresight of a rearview mirror


Without making a statment on whether or not this should be added to Era or not, I would maybe ask the question… did anybody in Era ask for this?

Blizzard, I absolutely want you to pay attention to Era and I’m glad that Era came up while you were considering this, but I think a bit of caution and some community interaciton is, perhaps, appropriate.

Personally I don’t have an opinion on this as far as its merits go, but I do think that Era probably doesn’t need changes on actual Era servers. Now, Classic+ in a more pure form on the other hand… :wink: