Unwanted DPS class Monk. Thanks Blizz

I have been playing monk for so long time because I think it is fun to play. But, by the beginning of TWW, Monk class got doomed by Blizzard again. Now, in my opinion, it is the most unwanted melee DPS class. Lets check facts below which created by Blizzard":

  • We do not have Brezz/Crezz.
  • We do not have Lust.
  • We have ring which is unnecessary now in TWW because of changed M+ Affix.
  • We have Paralysis which is unnecessary again because of Blizzard’s great job on TWW affixes.
  • Our single and AOE dmg was significant in the previous expansions but it is below than average in this expansion. Good job again Blizz.
  • We have zero ability which required by M+ parties and low damage.

So Blizzard must do something, otherwise people will stop playing Windwalker class and this will affect diversity of melee class in game. I know this article will not even be seen by Blizzard. However, current situation of Windwalker bothers me a lot.


By the way, My IO score is 2560 something and no one wants have me in their parties for 10+ or 11+


Monk is pretty good for the affixes.

  • Detox/Diffuse magic for the dispel, as well as extremely good self healing with vivify means you completely negate this as a DPS and relieve stress on your healer
  • Touch of Death kills or nearly kills the Voidbound Emmissary instantly.
  • Ring of Peace/Leg Sweep clears all the orbs, para can be used for the far one
  • Incredible mobility means picking up orbs is really easy

Aside from that, you also have:

  • Ring of Peace/Para skip in Mists
  • Transcendence in Ara Kara last boss
  • Ring of Peace is incredibly strong in helping the tank gather mobs together. Or for general denial/fixates.

While i agree with you because in fact wedo have those tools, it doesn’t matter tothe community since they see WW as a dps spec with low dmg and for m+ barelly anything else matters besides dps metters, since most affixes can be done with almost any class

for Orbs, every single class has cc, also with more classes having access to dractyr race, everyone has cc for it

While in fact Touch of Death is pretty usefull for killing the Voidbound is not like it’s needed, since before it got buffed, most groups just ignore it and cleave it down i don’t see how ToD would be better

Our great mobility to pick up orbs faster well,let’s be honest, everyone waits till they get close to grab them noone would ever want to lose dps to pick up some orbs besides they tmove towards you…

And for the dispell affix meta classes have dispells too, i don’t see how having our own dispell is a reason to get invited.

I’m not trying to be pesimist about it but i agree with OP, there’s no reason to ever invite a WW to your group


I just kicked a guy from group because he ran off and left the group to fight alone. After that we all decided to kick him after he cursed me out for dpsing as a healer monk.


Just used a whole lot of words to be right about the outcome but wrong about the causes.

It’s really simple - damage.

That’s it!

Would people take is if we were given a brez like ret paladins? No.

Would people take us if we were given AMS like Death Knight? Or if we were given blood lust like Mage, Hunter, Shaman etc? No.

It’s 99% about damage. We’re also a slight liability as melee, there are a lot of ranged biases in this season, we take more “avoidable” damage in a lot of cases and a TON of bosses have very questionable melee uptime. We also have one of the lowest health and armor of any melee DPS in the game.

But it’s 99% damage. If Blizzard doubled WW damage we would be meta, without a doubt. The problem is that outlaw, sin, ret, unholy and survival are doing more damage than we are. I think we’re beating like Enhance, Feral, Subt, Arms? Maybe havoc? (Although with Skardyn trinket I’ve seen havoc hit like 13mil DPS in necrotic wake).

The meta is Guardian, Resto Shaman, Aug Evoker and two ranged DPS - Arcane, Spriest, Boomie, Afflic, take your pick. There is just no room in that meta for a melee unless the melee is doing dumpster loads of damage. And we’re not. Ret sort of is.

If you want WW to get easy invites to groups, Blizzard would need to make the spec overpowered.


Is it? Ive seen a lot of the top running doing Prot Paly/DH/Warrior, Disc Priest/Shaman, Aug, FrostDK, Enh Shaman.

Back on topic, WW does need some buffs, and monks as a whole, could use changes.

Zen Meditation should be a combat res. That would be cool.

Outside of FoF, Strike, and SCK there isnt much doing damage.
SEF is a good offensive CD but that is the only one.
WDP is a primer, TP+ BoK are primers and cd reduction, RSK is there.

IMO combo strikes needs a buff to give us more damage since the spec is built around not using the same ability twice.
I wish CJL was worth taking, its such a cool concept and the talent changes madde it even cooler, but it just isnt worth it

affix is not a thing after 12
Do Diffuse magic and Detox is is less important
Tod Same no affix
Ring of peace and legs sweep are good affix or not
mobility is pretty avg now and no mechanic really require mobility in m+

Lots of class can do that Mist Skip
True can be usefull if people made mistake with Puddle but rarely an issue
Usefull yes but a external from any other class is better than a Rop

I play Monk. It is nearly impossible to be accepted by a pug group as a WindWalker. This is usually okay, because I would go Brewmaster and tank, but at least I would be wanted in groups. But Brewmaster is also incredibly weak right now. This is feeling impossible. This is the worst season I have had in a long long time.

Blizzard, Please fix Monk.


My exact issue. I do half the damage of the meta DPS as Windwalker, so I go Brewmaster, and then I struggle in 10-12 keys that a Prot Warrior or Guardian Druid faceroll through. Like yikes

Granted, this is only really a problem at these key levels, and statistically like only 5% of players are doing keys above 10, so Blizzard doesn’t have a huge motivation to act when this is only effecting such a small number of the playerbase. All monk specs are absolutely fine at +4, you know? And we’re okay in raid, we’re great in PvP, and we can easily do world content like world quests, delves, old raids. The content that 95% of the players do, we’re fine for.

But for those few of us that like to push keys and want to be competitive in a 12, 13, 14, 16 environment, Monk is increasingly feeling like a pariah.

We’re not alone, either. A ton of specs could make this exact same post. No one is jumping to invite Ferals or Holy Priests right now, either. I’m not seeing too terribly much demand for Dev Evokers, Subt Rogues, Arms Warriors etc. The difference is, they all have specs that ARE desirable. The dev can go Aug, the Feral can go Guardian, the Subt can go Outlaw, the Arms warrior can go Prot.

What spec does a monk switch to?


at this point MW, it’s only viable spec, but only 'cuz it got buffed no long ago, and even then, Priest has hp buff, shammys have lust, druid has brez, holy pallys also have brez, and press evo have lust, MW Monks have good output right now that’s all, also quite good dmg

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Dps and mist monks are awesome this expansion, it is groups loss if they pass on inv them.


I disagree. We would get more invites if we had a lust or bres and comparable damage. We have good utility for affixes but things even out a lot if all tanks had a bres and all healers had a lust. Heck flip, doesn’t matter.

That’s a good way to balance this. Remove lust and bres from all DPS. Only healers can bres or lust and tanks get the other. That would solve a lot of things.

Then we can argue it comes straight down to damage. Until that happens, those with a bres and lust will always be picked higher than one that doesn’t. Unless it’s already in the group.


Homogenization is not the answer

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You are, but that is ok you will be correct sometimes just keep at it :smile:

We are talking about two mandatory buffs for prog keys. Saying this would cause homogeny is ridiculous.

Ah yes the “no you are” very witty

You’re barely completing 10s, lust and/or brez aren’t issues.

I don’t get why people like this exists, there’s an issue a clear issue with WW Monk and he’s trying to make your comment less impotant saying “urr durr you’re not doing even 10s im btter than you urr durr look at me”

Lust and Brez are a HUGE reason why you invite some classes to your dungeon, not having access to any of those tools, makes your class less wanted to any level of content