Unsubscribed ... pure RNG is no fun

Just unsubscribed for the first time since Vanilla. I’ll need to tell the guildies…

Too little payout for time spent playing. Too much reliance on RNG. With tokens/badges we knew exactly how our efforts would result in some payout, RNG then was simply a happy bonus. With the current RNG system, many play sessions feel like an unrewarding waste of time.

I’ll resubscribe if/when this design changes. Until then I can’t justify paying Blizzard for the game in its present state.



Understandable OP. Just know you aren’t alone thinking these things.

Safe travels, friend.


Well you did kill the first few bosses of normal raid a few times. I mean to be not geared out after all that gotta be flustered I see your point.


Not everyone wants to raid. In fact, they had to make LFR because so few people did.


RNG makes special snowflakes.

RNG makes small amounts of content last longer.

Things Blizzard loves.


I’m a 14+ year WoW player. All of my accounts are set to expire because this expansion has been a bore since it destroyed Legion, the RNG system is trash, and removing ways to get gold had nothing to do with inflation and everything to do with forcing people to buy tokens.

You know what Activision Blizzard likes? Money. Great strategy, though, chasing away millions of loyal subscribers and tanking your stock by over 50% within a few months.

Thank you, Tom Chilton, for the last great days of WoW (‘Legion’).


How did you survive Vanilla if you hate RNG that much?


Hmmmm haven’t I seen you make like the same thread a few weeks back ?

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Yea, they need to go back to expansions like and when gear acquisition wasn’t RNG.

Badge gear only filled a small amount of slots, and they were never powerful slots like tier, trinkets, or weapons.


That’s the most intellectually dishonest question I’ve read in my life. That’s like comparing the luck ingrained in a poker game and winning the lottery.

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You are right. It was MUCH harder to get your gear in Vanilla. The RNG Monster was much harder to battle. What was I thinking.


Hope you find a better game, or something more worthwhile, to do.

And… Is your character named after Captain Kirk’s middle name, a Romantic emperor, or something else!

Edit… I’m leaving the above change, but did my phone or the forums change Roman to Romantic? FFS…

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Bro, you can’t just unsubscribe.

Take your Credit Card. Throw it in the air.

If it lands on the “head” side (logo and all), THEN you unsubscribe.

It if lands on the “tail” side (with the 3-digit security code), THEN you unsubscribe.

But, if by the chanciest of chances it lands on it’s edge?



I’m sure I saw this guy make the exact same thread some time before the new forums

No, that’s not how it works. He has to spin the RNG wheel first! Don’t worry OP I will spin it for! Wheel lands on stay subscribed for another year Oof, tough luck OP.


WoW will always be my home of games, but currently let my sub expire 2 days ago. I think when I return in a couple months I will just casually play end-game, but for the most part i’m going to act like i’m a new player and level another character. I have a feeling it will be way more refreshing than logging on and doing world quests, pvp, etc. I still have yet to level an Allied race anyways

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Didn’t you make this same post like 20 minutes ago?

Some people just don’t know when not to throw bricks. :laughing:

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lol who are you trying to lie to? yes numbers wise upgrades were scarce but they were substantial upgrades that carried over from tier to tier. One you got that piece of gear, that was it, there were no random forges giving you the feeling that you got the weaker version of a piece of loot.

People had ML, badges in AQ and Naxx made things easier and the one thing that you are missing is that people weren’t stuck with sets or gear with certain traits, you could use several armor types with good stats, broadening your possibilities at upgrades, most of the set amor sucked for pve anyways unless you were tanking.

Upgrades in vanilla meant something.

Weird. I got like 2 upgrades this week alone that gave me a solid dps increase.

Those must have meant nothing.

um…if you are a vanilla vet, you know that rng was worst then we have today. At lease you didn’t had to worry fight other 39 people with very small loot drops. I call on your lies being a vanilla player

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