Unsubbing, WoW tokens, boosts

you cant leave quietly can you. always waaa waaa waaa about leaving

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I have played with trade chat turned off for over a decade.

Gold seller companies used to literally line the streets of capital cities with corpses of bots to advertise their sites. They don’t do that any more.


Imagine quitting over something that doesn’t affect you.


Again check out illidan lol. They did just that outside org where the duelers hang out about 3 weeks ago

There is a lot of things you wont see on your server. So yes in a way you are right. If you are not on the top 5-7 servers you will never see the things you are talking about anymore

Remember blitzchung?

I still do.

Blizz is a china simp.


No more odd than when people get on here just to tell them how little they care.

Stopping to take the effort, because you know, they DONT care.

At this point it’s literally people using it as an excuse as to why they arent successful.

Person A can’t break 1600 in 2s as a warrior/bm hunter. It has to be boosts fault. It has nothing to do with being outplayed or baited. It’s 100% the only reason they lose is because of boosts.

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This escalated very fast and I my self I shamefully admit am part of why

Here you go OP

I wonder if people are still convinced that that’s literally anything other than capitalism. Everyone who does business in China is a “china simp”…because otherwise they wouldn’t be doing business in that country. Deal with it.


Also, fairtheewell Hyndalin! I hope you find a cool game that meets your requirements and you have a blast! We shall keep the bonfire ablaze for you if you ever want to return


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Plenty of people do business in China without bowing to every wish of the CCP.



It’s more than that. It’s people who are genuinely offended that Blizzard makes video games in order to make money. It’s the only explanation for people who are offended that Blizzard has an in game shop for cosmetic items that do not affect gameplay.

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Name one pls

No i will continue to speak out against companies who do business with china. Sorry i offended you.


I agreed with this about the store xmogs until the new tier sets came out :pleading_face: and the store mog was far more superior.


I just caught what your name was. xD

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Other than wow, what MMO has officially supported boosting plus an officially supported method of buying currency?

I’ll wait.



Australian foreign minister supporting Hong Kong protests while simultaneously maintaining massive export deals with China.

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