If I can beat people while equipped only with my weapons, you can too. I made it to 1400 with just weapons and nothing else equipped. Then I made it to 1800 without even trying. Just playing with random bad losers from LFG. Then I quit because there was no challenge and it was boring. Now I play random BGs and just float around with RP items in them. Quit making excuses as to why you can’t rank up. 2k last season was also a joke, and easily obtained. This season is the easiest pvp season for any class or spec. Period. There isn’t one spec in this game that isn’t S tier right now in the right hands.
What is the point of playing a game that makes you so miserable all the time?
I play wow because I love pvp, I love the challenge, I love the feeling of reward when I hit a milestone and I love improving as a player and seeing the effort of my hard work.
There’s a reason that videos of gear disparity, carries, and one shots exist, and videos of 197s pushing 2k+ rating don’t.
One is actually happening and the other is forum Chad’s trying to pretend there’s not a problem.
It’s a skill issue though…
People seem to get more validation from crying on the forums, trying to get the most amount of likes from other people who are also hardstuck 1.3k, it’s quite sad really what the community has become.
We need to start banning these threads about “gear disparity” or “boosters”, it’s getting out of hand imo
uhhh, you could literally be a r1 with 197 gear and lose to a warrior with 226 gear that has only hit duelist this season. gear realistically matters more than skill in this meta, maybe not in high high mmr like 2800+ but in lower brackets like 1600-2k gear matters more than ever
Nope. Ranked 1 players fight in item level 145 just fine.
The best way to counter iLevel is IQ, and a lot of people with 226 gear are RBG kids who lack mechanical skills hence why most 2.4k RBG players are really just hardstuck 1.3k in arenas.
A 197 R1 can 100% outplay a 226 RBG hero regardless of gear gap or w/e other excuse people come up with.
Why on this green earth would you ever think its reasonable to expect to push 2k with 197 Ilvl? That is pure delusion if you want to just skip the built in pvp increments and work your way up that high without also earning better gear along the way.
There’s a reason for the steps
And so on.
uhhh, have you seen venrukis vid? r1/x2 bliz champ mage losing at 1200 mmr
what a dumpster fire it is in here
sry to see u go, the feeling of wanting to love wow but feeling like the game is literally spitting in your mouth for not playing since the start of the season sucks.
besides the usual obvious trolls spamming you, i wonder if a single person genuinely enjoys power difference in pvp and thinks it’s right to do unrelated chores as a prerequisite to competitive play. imagine you install league but are capped at level 6 every match until you have finished 100 co-op-vs-AI matches on the hero you want to play in ranked xd
Exactly, 200 iLevel is more than enough to start your climb up the ladder to the next bracket.
People forget how the system works, gj pointing it out!
I agree, im getting kind of tired of just seeing people make excuses for why they can’t instead of asking “How can I”
Again, see my other post on gear increments to work yourself up the ladder toward 2100+
I mean if anyone does say they enjoy it, you’ll call them a troll anyways so what’s the point? People like different things lol, I figured grown adults would’ve known this by now. I’m only 15 and even I can accept people have different opinions lol
See, this is the problem. Some players seemingly want to skip past all progression. This poster alludes to it here too…
197 is the bare minimum to start doing arena. Arena is an endgame mode, like raiding. In the similar vein, players cant expect to complete mythic in 197 gear either. So they should not expect to have competitive matches with 226 ilvl players, no matter how skilled they are.
I casually played with trash players in LFG and carried them, and still made it to 1800 as a 2k player, while I was item level 165. Now that I am fully geared, I crush randoms in BGs to feed my God complex.
They all use the venruki example, he didn’t even start at the first step…
Well said. IRL prevents me from being able to play this game religiously and I don’t enjoy doing the none pvp content to be able to pvp. The gear vendor system worked great for me and it has been an uphill battle for me to get geared before season ends ever since.
Me too man…me too
I agree, although arena’s are not duels.
It’s because players at lower mmr make a lot more mistakes, and gear gaps as high as what we have now only exaggerates it.
I saw it, it makes a point that can’t be denied. Although let’s be real here, if I remember correctly he was like 154ilvl (approximately) of course they will lose to less skilled players lol. Lets not think if they were 197ilvl (honor gear) they would not be 2200+mmr.
And that’s why I saw that gear matters but not as much as consistently practicing.